Uniastrum Bank outlets start accepting money transfers to be made to Russian regions suffering from fire damage free of charge

In the period from August 10 through 18, 2010, Uniastrum Bank will not charge the fee for money transfers via the Unistream system to the regions the population of which is suffering from fires most of all
In the period from August 10 through 18, 2010, Uniastrum Bank will not charge the fee for money transfers via the Unistream system to the regions the population of which is suffering from fires most of all

Our customers will be able to transfer money free of charge to the Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh, Vladimir and Ryazan regions where the situation is the gravest. The maximum amount of one money transfer in the framework of this program will be Rb 30,000.

Money transfers to the suffering regions on special terms will be made from all the Uniastrum Bank outlets and from the Unistream Bank cash offices. No fee for making a money transfer up to Rb 30,000 will be charged if money is transferred through the Uniastrum Bank and Unistream Bank distribution networks.

For more information call or write Press office:

744 04 04, ext. 1119
