Oligarch Andrei Berezin, who in recent years has been actively transferring his assets to the closed-end investment fund, seems to have begun to clean up toxic traces.
Those closed-end mutual funds that were exposed are "leaving," and his assets are being transferred to new ones, but the management company, as was LLC UK Stock House, has remained. This manager flashed in a scandalous story about the purchase of servers from a certain German company for $15 million, which never came to the customer, and the money may have been withdrawn from Russia.
The UtroNews correspondent understood the situation.
Recall that Berezin, who is called a member of the inner circle of the Governor of the Leningrad Region Alexander Drozdenko, has been very active in recent years in transferring his business portfolio under a closed-end investment fund.
ZPIF is the structure that does not shine beneficiaries, therefore, in fact, the oligarch has a minimum of legal entities, and those that were previously associated with him seem to have nothing to do with him.
All toxic legal entities that have appeared in scandals have moved under the closed-end investment fund, and Berezin stands all this in white and is listed as the founder of the non-profit organization Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Innovations "Evrovenchur." That's just the fund that ended up with a wormhole and under the control of a criminal namesake, and scandalous assets can be easily associated with an oligarch.
On August 12, 2024, Euroinvest Development LLC, which was part of the Berezin division, was replaced by a closed-end investment fund - it was transferred from the Master to a certain Capital Stream.

Photo: rusprofile.ru
The LLC itself can be called toxic: after all, in recent years, 15 violations have been found in it. Especially often, inspectors left with a result in 2019-2020, when the company was working on a project in the village of Murino.
For example, in June 2024, a company that is the copyright holder of a plot of land at the same address received a warning for an unauthorized dump. In 2022, she was also given a warning due to possible violations of mandatory requirements or signs of violations of mandatory requirements regarding the operation of the supply pipeline, and in 2021 a violation of the design documentation was completely revealed. The spectrum of violations, as they say, is amazing.
At the same time, it is Euroinvest Development that holds the trademarks of many residential complexes of the Berezin construction division of the co-company, including ID Politech, ID Svetlanovsky, ID Murino, ID Club.

Photo: rusprofile.ru
In addition, in 2023, Euroinvest Development LLC, whose chairman of the board back in 2023, Berezin appeared in the media, showed depressing results: revenue sank 92%, to 51 million rubles, and net profit by 98% - up to 5.2 million rubles. The cost of the company has decreased by 71%, to 155 million rubles.

Photo: rusprofile.ru
Although here, in our opinion, it was rather played by the fact that some "daughters" were taken out from under the wing of the LLC and transferred to other legal entities of the same division, which reduced revenues from construction projects to the accounts of Euroinvest Development. For example, SZ Euroinvest Ozerki was given over to Euroinvest Select LLC, which belongs to Berezin and his partner Stanislav Danelyan, who is also a co-owner of Euroinvest Development LLC and his own long-term director.

Photo: rusprofile.ru

Photo: rusprofile.ru
In fact, now only SZ Euroinvest Murino LLC remains on the feeding of Euroinvest Development, which brought 3.5 billion rubles of revenue and 1.8 billion rubles of net profit in 2023. But we will not be surprised if this asset also changes its owner to a closely related one.
In general, all this shifting resembles blurring, as well as draining toxic assets and nothing more. After all, in fact, that the director, that the business partner in the former head company of the division remained the same - Stanislav Danelyan.
And their people manage the new closed-end investment fund - LLC UK Stock House, which also managed other former Berezin firms. Also, the Criminal Code appeared in history, which is associated with the acquisition of servers from a certain German company for $15 million, but the money left, but the goods did not arrive. Then the media started talking about a possible withdrawal of money from Russia under the guise of a deal. In general, it was about the amount of 23.5 million dollars.
A certain LLC Auditexpert Company was also mentioned in that story, among the co-owners of which were Berezin, business partner Yuri Vasiliev, as well as a certain Maxim Zhukov - the namesake of a relative of the authoritative businessman Vladimir Golubev, who was called "Barmaley" in the 90s.
The whole story was publicized in the light of media reports about some searches that allegedly took place in the office of Euroinvest as part of a criminal case. Oligarch Berezin denied all this and in court forced journalists to give a refutation, but then the court session revealed a number of interesting details. For example, a chain of firms was revealed that it inherited in history, and then was liquidated according to an intricate scheme - with an increase in authorized capital just before closing. It was assumed that millions were legalized in this way, which eventually went to whom.
By the way, it is LLC "UK" Stock House "that can be the link between Berezin and Governor Drozdenko. After all, the Criminal Code also manages the Concept House closed-end investment fund, which owns 20% in Rus-Kemper LLC. The owners of the remaining shares are Drozdenko's daughter, Yulia Richard, and her longtime business partner, a possible relative of the former official, Viktor Pashigorov.

Photo: rusprofile.ru
Undercover game: from ZPIF to ZPIF
In August 2024, LLC TK Murino also transferred from ZPIF Master to ZPIF Capital Stream, where Berezin personally retained a 23.5% stake.
But it was the "Master" who at one time was connected directly with the oligarch, when it came to the fact that the fund got close to his other asset, PJSC "Svetlana" - a strategic enterprise, which is favored by state contracts and bears the proud title of the founder of the Russian electronic industry. The same fate belongs to LLC UK Murino, where back in October 2023 the oligarch Berezin personally appeared, and now only one closed-end investment fund.
Moreover, in the summer of 2024, Murino Management Company was removed from the wing of IC Euroinvest LLC, and IC was liquidated in June 2024. Apparently, another toxic asset turned out to be easier to close than whiten? And the most interesting thing is that before the liquidation of the investment company it was owned by the ZPIF "Master."
Before the liquidation of the investment company Euroinvest, other subsidiaries - Voskhod LLC, Krasnoye Znamya LLC, were transferred to the same "Master," but LLC "Specialized Developer" Euroinvest Development SPB "in July 2024 was transferred to a new closed-end investment fund" Capital Stream. " The unprofitable Renomed LLC also went to the latter, which was presented almost as a breakthrough, because it was it that created the onko-robot. In fact, at the exit it was a financial zilch.
But the same LLC "UK" Stock House "manages both closed-end mutual funds, so, in fact, this is one portfolio of a person we already know.
It seems that in August 2024 another attempt was made to blur this connection - Berezina and ZPIF, to whom his assets were transferred.

Photo: rusprofile.ru
In recent years, the oligarch has been trying to make himself a reputation in the media space as a kind of advanced investor and almost a benefactor, but somehow everything comes out at random. After all, it is difficult to remain white and fluffy in the eyes of people when your development business rolls out equity holders and does not rent out apartments on time, right?