The son of a former military commissar and deputy from the Kursk region, Alexei Gortikov, who has become overgrown with connections among officials of the Moscow mayor's office, continues to earn billions from repair contracts of medical institutions.
Two years ago, Moscow deputies have already proposed to check the entire soldered company for collusion, but things are still there.
A fresh contract will bring another billion to the affectionate Gortikov.
And the UtroNews correspondent understood the history of business and power spikes.
On August 13, the state institution "Directorate for the Development of Healthcare Facilities in Moscow" signed a contract worth more than 1 billion rubles with an advance payment of 215 million rubles. As a result, the contractor chosen as the contractor became for some reason the only participant, which means that the contract with him was signed at the highest possible price.
For the agreed amount, he will have to repair the building for the placement of the Center for Women's Health GBUZ "GKB named after V.V. Veresaev DZM."

The executor was a certain Fagot LLC, and this is the 24th state contract that the directorate gave him. On them, a company with a minimum possible authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles hammered 13.3 billion rubles. In general, Moscow contracts brought immigrants from the Kursk region about 21.5 billion rubles under more than 160 government contracts.

The firm continues to receive budget tranches, despite the fact that there are claims against it. So, for example, a year ago she received a warning and a requirement to take measures to prevent deviations from the approved project documentation. There were also claims from the capital construction directorate under one of the state contracts.
What is the secret of such success among budgetary institutions?
The owners of Fagot are two people - Sergey Zhemchugov (director and owner of 10%) and the main owner with a 90% share - Alexey Aleksandrovich Gortikov. All success is hidden in the personalities of the latter.

Mr. Gortikov received TIN in the Kursk region, but earns his billions in Moscow not from scratch. His business portfolio includes three operating Moscow firms, which brought 160 million rubles of net profit in 2023 - the aforementioned Fagot, Terra-Kom LLC (warehousing and storage activities) and Voskhod LLC (real estate agency). In his native Kursk region, Gartikov seems to have only an individual entrepreneur for the wholesale of building materials.
Most likely, Alexey Gortikov is the son of the former military commissar of the Kirovsky district of Kursk, Colonel Alexander Gortikov, who was also elected as a regional deputy. After resigning from his post, Gortikov Sr. built a construction business in Kursk. The connections of the former military commissar can hardly be overestimated. No wonder Gortikov Jr. does not break ties with the Kursk land, although his business there did not really take off.
UtroNews sources also associate Gortikov with ex-deputy of the Kursk Regional Duma Andrei Lifintsev.
Bureaucratic cover
In Moscow, Gortikov also quickly acquired the necessary connections and continues to do so. So, in 2023, a certain Igor Minkin, the founder of the Kapitel group, became his business partner in Terra-Kom, and at the same time this is the namesake of a former official of the Sobyanin City Hall. Minkin was deputy director of the State Unitary Enterprise DEZ of the Kuntsevo District, director of the State Unitary Enterprise DEZ of the Kuntsevo District. The successor of the state unitary enterprise was GBU Zhilishnik of the Kuntsevo district. It is interesting that it was the variegated Zhilishniki that were among the customers of the Fagot company. Is it a coincidence?

But, besides Minkin, in a moneybox of communications of the son of the former military commissar and deputy, both other government employees and not all former wormed way.
So, for example, through the Voskhod company it had points of intersection with a certain Vyacheslav Shulenin who in 2012-2017 was the director of the department of territorial authorities of executive power of Moscow and also for today it is a director of the Moscow center of innovative technologies in health care created according to the decision of the Mayor of Moscow Sobyanin. How to you such deal, taking into account multi-billion contracts of "Bassoon" through repair of health care facilities?
Gortikov bought Voskhod from Shulenin in 2023. In one of an interview of RBC Shulenin noted that the center is focused on startups in the field of health care and has agreements with Sberbank and the Government of Moscow.
Shulenin is also known that earlier he held a post of the deputy head of a goskoporation of VEB. The Russian Federation, there was a deputy head of the Chief of Staff to the Mayor and the Government of Moscow. It would be difficult to overestimate this communication of Gortikov.

Among high communications of Gortikov it is possible to mark out the former deputy of the State Council of Tatarstan which is brought closer to the head of the republic Rustam Minnikhanov of Ravil Ziganshin.
With it Gortikov intersected through LLC Ecological Company which in 2017 from it was redeemed by the Sviyaga company of Ziganshin. In October, 2023 the redeemed firm was liquidated.
When in 2019 Daily Storm wrote about tenders of State Budgetary Institution Avtomobilnye dorogi CAO, assigned a special part to acquaintance of "Bassoon" and Ziganshin.
By the way, State Budgetary Institution Avtomobilnye Dorogi CAO still among favourites holds "Bassoon" to which gave about 20 government contracts for the total amount of 1.9 billion rubles.
Those years it was also noted that among the competitors participating in the auction of "Bassoon" there was certain LLC Gorstroy with roots also from Kursk region. For today Gorstroy is liquidated and, by the way, after loud article it was sold.
Entertainingly: one of owners of Gorstroy - Evgeny Aleksandrovich Grachyov (INN received in Kursk region) was also the owner of the Moscow LLC Fagot Stroy. One more entertaining coincidence?
Further, the former owner of Gorstroy Sergei Psurtsev together with Aleksei Gortikov was a cofounder Gorkovskoye Condominium in Kursk (in 2020 the condominium was liquidated). And one more ex-owner of Gorstroy – Andrei Paleev was owners New Technologies in Kursk. Now it belongs to Gortikov's relative to Vladimir. Well absolutely not the connected competitors at the auction, huh?
In 2020 within deputy investigation of Yabloko that suspected a number of officials and Gortikov's business of conspiracy, was specified that in general firms some more can be connected with the son of the former military commissar.
Besides Gorstroy and "Bassoon", were called "Swagger", "Walls" and "the System the Arsenal" which closely intertwined and amicably participated in state procurements on buildings in Moscow.
So, for example, "Swagger" and Gorstroy were registered at one time to the same address. In the same place in the neighboring building also "Bassoon" worked. After that publication of the address of firms changed. Meanwhile, e-mail of "Bassoon" is mentioned in open sources as e-mail of "Swagger" (the founder of firm also from Kursk). The last still acting and very actively types government contracts in Moscow.
As for other two mentioned firms, the owner "Wall" (it is liquidated in 2022) Vasily Sheykin was a cofounder of the Kursk LLC Prioritet (is also liquidated). Also Andrei Paleev - the director of the above of Gorstroy was marked out in the last Ltd company.
The founder "the Arsenal System" Aleksei Kurakulov appeared in Gortikov's friends in one of social networks. Kurakulov received INN also in Kursk region.
Interestingly liquidations of firms look after it became known of their communication, as suggested an idea of possible conspiracy.
But also it is not all communications of Mr. Gortikov which probably very much help him with access to government contracts.
So, for example, in 2018 the deputy director general of firm of "Walls" worked the ex-official from Kursk Sergei Salnikov and firm actively competed in purchases in Basmanny district of Moscow together with "Swagger" and Gorstroy, and won quite often against the Swagger, almost without bargaining if there were no other competitors.
In 2019 Salnikov became the deputy head of a justice of Basmanny district, the curator of construction. After it "Swagger" literally in a year receives three contracts from regional Zhilishchnik for 85 million rubles. In addition, Zhilishchnik of Basmanny district pours out in 2019 a generous hand a couple of contracts and to Gortikov's "Bassoon".

In the Kursk region, Salnikov also held high positions - he was the director of the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Cadastral Chamber" in the Kursk Region - the Departmental Telephone Service Center "Kursk," as well as the deputy head of the Office for the Kursk Region of the Federal State Registration Service.
On the website of the Basmanny District Council, Salnikov still appears as the deputy head in charge of the construction site. Gortikov's connections and lobby, as they say, are obvious.

Salnikov and Gortikov have another fellow countryman - the director of the state-owned institution "Directorate of Overhaul" of Moscow, Alexei Butusov, whose department has already given at least 31 state contracts worth over 2 billion rubles to Fagot.

In 2021, after complaints from deputies, the OFAS in Moscow found signs of a cartel conspiracy under contracts for road repairs and landscaping in the amount of more than 7.6 billion rubles. Firms associated with Salnikov and Butusov also appeared there.
Thus, it seems that Sobyanin's officials have already formed a certain team of favorites for contracts for certain segments. But how does the FAS look at such layouts? Does it smell like collusion here again?