The division of the oligarch Andrei Berezin, it seems, continues to hide its responsibility for the screens, stamping new legal entities for the construction of residential complexes and transferring them under the closed-end investment fund. In case of failure to meet the deadlines, what does the division sin on equity holders, it turns out, and there will be no one to ask?
The next construction of the EuroInvest Development Group of Companies, to which Berezin was previously directly involved, raised questions at the start. Created under the building of Id Kudrovo I, a fresh company hides the ultimate beneficiaries through the ZPIF matryoshka.
The details of the new scheme of the oligarch, who prefers to publicly distance himself from the scandalous consequences of the work of the construction group, while raking dividends in two hands, were found out by the UtroNews correspondent.
In October 2024, a declaration for the construction of building 1.3 of the Id Kudrovo II residential complex in the village of Kudrovo, Leningrad Region, was published on the website of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation. The object for 491 apartments, declared as a comfort class, should be completed in the second quarter of 2027. The developer is SZ EuroInvest Kudrovo-2 LLC from the EuroInvest Development Group of Companies division. Judging by the pledge of shares, Sberbank is lending to the construction site.

Photo: наш.дом.рф
LLC SZ EuroInvest Kudrovo-2 was established on February 20, 2024, clearly under the Id Kudrovo II project. Together with it, LLC SZ EuroInvest Lavriki-2 was created on the same day and at the same address. Both companies are owned by EuroInvest Ai Di LLC.

Until the end of December 2021, EuroInvest Ai Di LLC belonged personally to Berezin and his longtime partner Yuri Vasiliev. After that, the asset went through the "hands" of the closed-end investment fund. The share of 30% remained with the director of the company, who also manages LLC SZ EuroInvest Kudrovo-2, Stanislav Danelyan, a long-time business partner of Berezin.
With Danelyan, Berezin has retained even a common company - Euroinvest Select LLC. So, it is quite possible that in other assets this person involved plays only the role of a screen.

The construction division itself is a multi-level octopus, whose tentacles are more like a matryoshka: when one company is the founder of another, and then in turn the third. Thus, it seems to us that it is easier for a developer to confuse the traces of beneficiaries if he has to answer for something at a construction site or the question of subsidiary liability arises, and also with such a scheme there is some scope for tax maneuvers.
Andrei Berezin in recent years has been very active in hiding his interests behind the closed-end investment fund. Apparently, so that the spray from the negative did not stain his white clothes. After all, the construction division has repeatedly sinned by disrupting construction deadlines, receiving claims from equity holders. So, for example, the first stage of Kudrovo, judging by the base of the Ministry of Construction, was commissioned later than promised to buyers. At the same time, the developer - LLC "SZ" EUROINVEST Kudrovo "was even brought to administrative responsibility. The owner of this company was the same LLC "EuroInvest Ai Di" as the fresh LLC SZ "EuroInvest Kudrovo-2."
By the way, other companies of the division also sinned by failing to meet the deadlines. For example, LLC SZ "EuroInvest Blagodatnaya," which was building ID Park Pobedy in St. Petersburg.

Photo: наш.дом.рф
In addition, Berezin is actively blurring his name in a scandal related to a murky financial scheme for the purchase of German servers in the amount of $15 million. Investigators identified the deal as a large withdrawal from Russia. After all, the money was paid, but the goods did not arrive.
As reported by Fontanka.Ru, which told about some alleged searches at Berezin's Euroinvest company, five years later they did not return to Russia even $8.5 million under a deal for $100 million, where a certain Komplit Company participated.
Berezin sued the media who wrote about this case, refuting both the search and his participation in this story.
Then it turned out that the visit of the security forces could be connected with the manager of the German server supplier Vasily Pavlov, with whom Berezin owned Audit-Expert LLC. Vasiliev, as well as Maxim Zhukov, who is the namesake of a relative of the well-known businessman Vladimir Golubev in narrow circles, who was nicknamed "Barmaley" in the 90s, were also among the owners.

It's interesting, but as soon as the story about the servers was widely publicized, Auditexpert Company LLC was quickly leaked to a trustee. At the same time, a chain of legal entities associated with this LLC surfaced, which were liquidated, but before that, large sums were poured into their authorized capital, which probably sailed away as the ultimate beneficiary. A kind of cunning move?
These liquidant firms are interesting, in particular, Megacenter LLC, Graviton Investments LLC, because in their biographies we see such closed-end investment funds as Balance Invest and Element Development-1. At the same time, back in 2018, the Kommersant newspaper associated with PJSC Svetlana, whose shareholder was Berezin.
At the same time, among the managers of the closed-end investment fund was LLC UK Stock House, which in recent years has lost many of the oligarch's assets.
And one more interesting fact: it is ZPIF Balance Invest that owns a stake in the aforementioned EuroInvest Ai Di LLC. Only this time he was transferred to the management of LLC "UK" Aurora. " The latter belongs to Alexander Petrov (90.1%) and Stanislav Usovich, which became one of the owners only in February 2024. It is Mr. Petrov who interests us in these participants. The fact is that this gentleman is probably not a stranger to Berezin. For example, it was he who in July 2023 received a Berezin stake in Medsilikon LLC.
Publicly, Mr. Berezin prefers to look like a kind of philanthropist, the founder of the Evrovenchur Foundation, which has already pathetically entered the market for the supply of medical equipment.
At one of the public events, the fund, which is managed by Roman Romanyuk, an ex-employee of PJSC Svetlana, whose namesake appeared in the criminal chronicle as convicted of robbery, introduced a certain cancer worker. On it was the nameplate of the unprofitable company "Renomed." UtroNews spoke in detail about this company, as well as about possibly blown investment figures.
We only recall that after the liquidation of the last owner in the summer of 2024, LLC IC Euroinvest was hidden behind a closed-end investment fund, which is managed by the Fund House Management Company. It is ZPIF that is now controlled by a potential supplier under government contracts - Renomed LLC. Indeed, as you know, in the fight against oncology, the state treasury does not skimp on spending. Probably, it is a piece of this pie that Berezin wants to snatch through his fund. But for now, in our opinion, he only has to inflate his cheeks. After all, the fund itself in the reports demonstrates losses with the declared project budget for a billion.
As we can see, Berezin's games with cover from the closed-end investment fund have moved to the level of housing construction. No matter how the equity holders end up alone with their problems, because there may be no one to ask for them. Not with closed-end mutual funds, which do not disclose beneficiaries?