"Papa Boss": a bench was knocked out from under Strukov

Shares of the Yuzhuralzoloto company of billionaire Konstantin Strukov collapsed after information about a possible suspension of activities.


Shares of the Yuzhuralzoloto company of billionaire Konstantin Strukov collapsed after information about a possible suspension of activities.

As it became known to the correspondent of The Moscow Post in the Chelyabinsk region, the value of Yuzhuralzoloto shares went down against the background of information about possible restrictions on the work of enterprises included in the Yuzhuralzoloto Group of Companies. These restrictions can be introduced by Rostekhnadzor from day to day.

And, according to the Moscow Exchange, the cost of securities has already decreased by more than 3%.

It seems that major troubles continue and continue to pursue the once successful Konstantin Ivanovich Strukov, as if he had been jinxed! And they say that the "curve" of the success of the businessman-deputy suddenly went down sharply, after the windy daughter of the gold miner Valery Strukov (creative pseudonym Valerie Evans) recorded and sang the song "Papa Boss," in which she called her dad affectionately "Al-Capone..."

So do not believe in mystical events later.

3 lawsuits, 15 cases, damage - 3 billion

So, recently, 15 cases of administrative offenses have been initiated against the "golden" company of Mr. Strukov: the damage has so far been estimated at 3 billion rubles, but on the facts - and this is already clear - there will be more. The support from under Mr. Strukov was also knocked out by the sudden departure of the prosecutor of the Chelyabinsk region Karen Gabrielyan: this was bitter news for the owner of the SGC, vice-speaker of the Legislative Assembly Konstantin Strukov.

Mr. Gabrielyan left his post on June 5 of this, 2024. This was reported by Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Karen Gabrielyan covered all the "jambs" of his counterpart for a very long time.

"Papa Boss": a bench was knocked out from under Strukov

Karen Gabrielian. Photo: https://rk.karelia.ru/social/kanikuly-bez-riska/

A criminal case hung over the head of a businessman-deputy with a sword of Damocles, most likely, not one either! And there is even serious talk about the nationalization of the Yuzhuralzoloto company.

In the meantime, the work of UGK enterprises may be limited due to the claims of the Ural Department of Rostekhnadzor.

We are talking about an allegedly ready-made order, which prescribes the restriction of the work of enterprises for up to 90 days!

And that's not all bad news for Mr. Strukov.

The environmental department sent three lawsuits to the Arbitration Court of the Chelyabinsk Region to bring Strukov's company to administrative responsibility due to the construction, reconstruction and operation of capital facilities without permission: after all, it turned out that the construction of a dam in the Plastovsky district at the Svetlinsky field was not coordinated with anyone.

And this is understandable: after all, Mr. Strukov had his own, "pocket" prosecutor!

192 times excess

Earlier, claims were filed against the company from several more from the environmental prosecutors of the Chelyabinsk region, since violations were revealed that relate to the Ural cluster of the Yuzhuralzoloto company - these are deposits in the Chelyabinsk region - Svetlinskoye, Kochkarskoye, Bereznyakovskoye, Western Kurasan.

"Papa Boss": a bench was knocked out from under Strukov

Kurasan field. Photo: https://plast-gazeta.ru/20200507/novyj-gok-na-kurasane/

The assets of the enterprise include deposits in the Chelyabinsk region (in addition to deposits, the company in the region has licenses for geological exploration and pilot production - Nailinsky, Oseysky, Altyn-Tash, Zaitsevskoye), in the Republic of Khakassia (Kommunarovsky Mine OJSC). The Group is developing placer gold deposits in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (LLC AS Priisk Drazhny).

The inspection of Rostekhnadzor, of course, is also connected with the incident that took place on April 17 at the Svetlinsky field of the UGK.

"Papa Boss": a bench was knocked out from under Strukov

Svetlinskoye field. Photo: https://goldomania.ru/gold_deposits/russia/svetlinskoe.html

That day there was a breakthrough of the dam of the technical pond. This was reported by Pravda UrFO.

After the incident, river water samples were found to exceed the maximum permissible concentrations of cyanides by 192 times.

The area of ​ ​ agricultural land contaminated with arsenic exceeded 330 thousand square meters. m, damage assessment - more than 3 billion rubles.

It was established that the cause of the critical situation was gross violations committed by Strukov's company during the construction of a hydraulic structure, and prosecutors opened more than 15 cases of administrative offenses.

The materials of the prosecutor's check were sent to the Investigation Department of the TFR in the Chelyabinsk Region to resolve the issue of initiating criminal cases under Art. 246 of the Criminal Code ("Violation of environmental protection rules during work") and Part 1 of Art. 254 ("Damage to the land").

"Papa Boss": a bench was knocked out from under Strukov

Konstantin Strukov at the facility. Photo: https://today.29ru.net/ekaterinburg/289439569/

Further, at the end of July this year. three lawsuits were filed against the company "UGK" from the Magnitogorsk and Chelyabinsk environmental prosecutors.

The reason is bringing the company to administrative responsibility for violation of Part 5 of Art. 9.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (Operation of a capital construction facility without permission to put it into operation; the maximum penalty is a fine of up to 1 million rubles) and Part 1 of Art. 9.5 (Construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities without permission; penalty a fine of up to 1 million rubles. or suspension of activities for up to 90 days).

Consideration is scheduled for September.

Will they find foreign real estate?

They say that recently Mr. Strukov flew to Moscow several times to resolve issues. And, apparently, he flew so that the prosecutor of the Chelyabinsk region Gabrielyan was dismissed!

And then the dark story with the found accounts and foreign real estate of billionaire Strukov will be remembered, but it was prosecutor Gabrielyan who buried this story!

It remains to be hoped that the new prosecutor of the Chelyabinsk region will react differently to Strukov's "pranks." And we learn a lot more interesting things from the secret life of Chelyabinsk Al-Capone, including how exactly the clip "Papa Boss" appeared on the air, in which Strukov appears as Al-Capone.

Valeria Strukova-Evans's songs were recorded with her father's "golden" money in the United Arab Emirates. Evans-Strukova told reporters about this from her creative workshop in the Empire Tower in Moscow City, which the billionaire dad gave to Valerie Evans when she finished studying in Switzerland.

Well, you may soon have to move out of the Empire tower, as the ring around billionaire Strukov shrinks more and more?