PIK of discord: Gordeev was given a multi-billion dollar bill

Gordeev decided to save on social infrastructure, but did the savings go sideways?


Gordeev decided to save on social infrastructure, but did the savings go sideways?

The developer from the PIK division - JSC "SZ New Horizon" was given a black mark - a lawsuit was filed against the company in an amount exceeding its annual revenue. Claims for 5.4 billion rubles from the Moscow Region authorities probably arose against social infrastructure.

Stroydivision, to the quality of construction of which buyers have repeatedly had complaints, prefers to throw kindergartens and schools on the shoulders of local authorities, because they will not bring a ringing ruble?

The UtroNews correspondent understood the situation that could turn into a criminal case.

On March 18, 2025, the arbitration of the Moscow Region plans to consider the claim of the administration of the Kotelniki Civil Defense against JSC SZ Novy Gorizont, which, along the chain of ownership, belongs to PIK Sergey Gordeev.

From the materials of the case it is known that we are talking about losses, or rather about the recovery of debt from the municipal contract in the amount of 5 442 412 314 rubles. 72 kopecks.

For comparison: the entire revenue of the joint-stock company for 2023 amounted to 5.3 billion rubles, that is, if the claim is satisfied, the company risks joining the ranks of bankrupts.

PIK of discord: Gordeev was given a multi-billion dollar bill

Photo: kad.arbitr.ru

Other details of the case were not disclosed, but it was this JSC that acted as the developer of a large residential complex in Kotelniki - the Belaya Dacha Park residential complex, some of whose houses have already been commissioned, and some are under construction.

It is worth noting that one of the houses of the complex was commissioned with a delay, according to the website of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation.

PIK of discord: Gordeev was given a multi-billion dollar bill

Photo: наш.дом.рф

PIK of discord: Gordeev was given a multi-billion dollar bill

Photo: наш.дом.рф

The complex is designed for 13 houses with more than 9 thousand apartments - in fact, the new Kotelnikov microdistrict, which requires not only a box for living, but also the appropriate infrastructure, including a kindergarten and a school. But, if PIK can cut a billion or two in apartments, then the construction of the same kindergarten and school will not bring living money, and developers do not like to spend their hard-earned money, preferring to dump it on the local budget.

Judging by another lawsuit previously filed by the Kotelnikov administration and considered in 2024 not in favor of the authorities, it was the kindergarten and the school that became the bone of contention.

From the materials of the case it is known that the plaintiff tried to oblige the developer to conclude an agreement for the integrated development of the territory of the Belaya Dacha Park residential complex, based on the approved draft planning of the territory of the Kotelniki urban district of the Moscow region, with the subsequent transfer of the social infrastructure facilities under construction to the ownership of the urban district.

PIK of discord: Gordeev was given a multi-billion dollar bill

Photo: kad.arbitr.ru

From the materials of the court, it turned out that in 2018 Belaya Dacha JSC and Novy Horizon Specialized Developer JSC signed an agreement on delimiting the responsibilities of copyright holders for the implementation of measures for the integrated development of the territory. In April of the same year, at a meeting of the City Planning Council of the Moscow Region, the issue of approving the planning project and the project for surveying the territory of the future residential complex was considered and it included the "O-2" zone - a zone of specialized public development (a zone for the placement of social, domestic, educational, cultural and religious facilities).

Under the terms of the agreement, the facilities built in this zone must be transferred to municipal ownership, but taking into account the agreement.

The Kotelnikov administration, according to the court materials, has repeatedly tried to conclude such an agreement with the developer from PIK, but they prevailed.

The mayor's office even had to turn to higher authorities with a request for assistance.

Meanwhile, SZ "New Horizon" received permission to build a kindergarten for 350 children, and then to commission it. A permit was also issued for the construction of a school with a capacity of 2 thousand students.

Only then it turned out that the construction of these objects would be paid from the budget, and no one could oblige the developer to conclude an agreement. Convenient, profitable and everything in the spirit of the division - quickly chop money, and there the grass does not grow.

PIK of discord: Gordeev was given a multi-billion dollar bill

Photo: kad.arbitr.ru

PIK of discord: Gordeev was given a multi-billion dollar bill

Photo: kad.arbitr.ru

The behavior of the PIK developer, however, is not surprising. After all, as it turned out, the construction of this residential complex could have turned into a criminal case, but a strong lobby helped out.

Back in 2019, the supervisory authorities found that the developer, in violation of the current law, used the funds of the equity holders of the Belaya Dacha Park residential complex for other purposes. The JSC was obliged to return the money to specialized accounts opened in relation to building permits for buildings 1, 2 of the Belaya Dacha Park residential complex, and capitalize in construction projects.

How, PIK bypassed the law on escrow accounts, from which there is no issue of money from equity holders until the completion of construction, history is silent. But in general, it smells badly from her - after all, in fact, in our opinion, there are grounds for a criminal case. True, no one began to excite it, but now the local authorities are forced to carry the negligent person involved in the courts.

PIK of discord: Gordeev was given a multi-billion dollar bill

Photo: proverki.gov.ru

At the same time, the developer company has repeatedly received warnings regarding both labor legislation and consumer rights, as well as possible violations of the share law.

And in 2023, it did provide reports on the implementation of activities related to attracting funds from participants in shared construction with inaccurate data. And again, Gordeev's company escaped with a slight fright - a warning.

At the same time, a warning was made about the inadmissibility of violating the mandatory requirements of land legislation, in terms of misuse of a plot with cadastral number 50:22:0050201:1196.

PIK of discord: Gordeev was given a multi-billion dollar bill

Photo: proverki.gov.ru

It is worth recalling that the construction of at least two houses is still ongoing, and the bunch of violations is already such that the guard is just right to shout.

During the construction, the owner of the NW changed three times within the PIK division: from 07.03.2018 to 18.11.2021 it was Perspektiva LLC, which was liquidated in July 2022, zeroing the revenue figures, then the developer was transferred to Pik-Investproekt LLC, and in 2022 already - Stroyaktiv LLC.

PIK of discord: Gordeev was given a multi-billion dollar bill

Photo: rusprofile.ru

An interesting fact: in the later liquidated Perspektiva LLC, offshore companies were previously among the owners. Directly - "Orviello Limited" and "Esreatika Holdings Limited," and through the company "Strategy" that owned the LLC in 2018 (liquidated in 2019), the Cypriot "Partalia Limited" and "Tripidare LTD," Seychelles "Fossia Investment LTD."

PIK of discord: Gordeev was given a multi-billion dollar bill

Photo: rusprofile.ru

PIK of discord: Gordeev was given a multi-billion dollar bill

Photo: rusprofile.ru

Judging by the declaration of one of the construction projects associated with another company of the PIK division, at least one offshore company (ORVIELLO LIMITED) for 2020 was in the same group with it.

PIK of discord: Gordeev was given a multi-billion dollar bill

Photo: pronovostroy.ru

By the way, the director of Perspektiva LLC, Alexander Zinoviev, is just now the head of the Specialized Developer New Horizon JSC, taking up his post back in 2018.

And now it is worth remembering that, judging by the materials of the inspections, the developer in 2019 was caught not using the money of equity holders. It was not in offshore companies that the firms associated with this chain were later liquidated?

The most important thing is that at least the same ORVIELLO LIMITED is a fully operational company today. That is, no one has covered the offshore pipeline to Gordeev?

PIK of discord: Gordeev was given a multi-billion dollar bill

Photo: opencorporates.com

Recall that the developer has a long-standing craving for offshore companies and foreign stills. For example, in the scheme of ownership of the division, the former senator Gordeev had such layers as the Cypriot LETIOSA HOLDING LIMITED and SIRIDICA LIMITED. The offshore HREF Foundation from Liechtenstein was also present in the PIK structure, which appeared in a scandal involving the fugitive banker Boris Mints, a defendant in a criminal case on embezzlement of 30 billion rubles.

As UtroNews previously reported, the latest trend in PIK is to hide in some legal entities not only shareholders, but also managers. At the same time, with such a muddy policy, the division does not forget to row profitable deals with the participation of budgetary structures with its second hand.

And then Gordeev, following the example of other oligarchs, began to use screens from proxies in large transactions.

Add to this unpaid dividends, customer complaints about the quality of construction and you will get a picture of the division's work. The unsinkability of such groups of companies is facilitated by their lobby, during which it is well-fed and well-fed. Otherwise, how to understand that, even seeing not the targeted use of equity holders' money in the NW, where they inherited offshore companies, the supervisory authorities limited themselves only to wagging their fingers?