Sechin prepared a basket for Vaschenko?

Can Igor Sechin's people rake the heat with someone else's hands, and then "set" their alleged "denominations" and "wallets" on each other, forcing them to pay off their debts?


Can Igor Sechin's people rake the heat with someone else's hands, and then "set" their alleged "denominations" and "wallets" on each other, forcing them to pay off their debts?

According to UtroNews correspondent, Credit Bank of Moscow (MCB), whose main beneficiary is Roman Avdeev, has filed lawsuits against a number of Cypriot companies - Yofoura Holding Limited, Finance Marekkon, Cesium Limited and Asabelle Limited. The bank demands to collect debt on loans from the defendants and foreclose on the pledged property.

There are no other details, but the following is interesting. Roman Avdeev is considered a person close to the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin. In 2017, the state corporation literally "gilded" the bank, investing 22 billion rubles in its capital for 49 years. There are rumors on the market that Avdeev may hold the assets of Igor Ivanovich himself.

Since 2012, MKB has been actively investing in the Ingrad developer, which he owned as part of the Rossium concern. The partner of the concern was the Region group of Sergei Sudarikov. "Region" has also been a client of the ICD - since 2006. Subsequently, Region, with the assistance of Rosneft, quickly became one of the largest asset managers in Russia.

Together with Sergey Sudarikov, Sergey Korol has been the shareholder of Region since 2011. He also headed the RN-Trust company, which managed the funds of Neftegarant, the Rosneft pension fund. The king was also a longtime acquaintance of Pyotr Lazarev, who in the 2000s oversaw the financial block of Rosneft.

Forbes directly connects MKB with the interests of Rosneft. So wherever you throw, everywhere - Igor Sechin.

Only "Sechinsky" go into battle

As for the above offshore companies, Yofoura Holding Limited is a shareholder of the former Boris Mints holding O1 Properties, the largest owner of office real estate in Moscow, and the other two were previously indicated as owners of the Bolshevik business center near the Belorussky railway station.

At the same time, according to Western databases on legal entities, one of the beneficiaries of Yofoura Holding Limited, as well as a number of O1 assets, is Pavel Vashchenko. He is also named the direct beneficiary of O1 Properties.

Sechin prepared a basket for Vaschenko?



The salt is that Pavel Vashchenko comes from the same Region group, closely associated with the ICD and the interests of Rosneft. Vashchenko is also considered Sechin's confidant and even his possible "wallet." It is highly likely that under the roof of "Rossium," i.e. MKB and a number of other structures, including "Region," may accumulate assets that actually belong to people from Igor Ivanovich's entourage.

Pavel Vashchenko is also listed as a person affiliated with another notorious offshore Riverstretch Trading & Investments. It was this company that at one time received the main assets of the bankrupt Boris Mints. Also earlier, Vashchenko was a co-founder of Finestate, where he had a business partner Valery Mikhailov, a multi-station businessman who established almost two dozen organizations.

And here's what is interesting: as Vedomosti wrote, Valery Mikhailov's full namesake provided $2 million for an investigative experiment on the former Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Alexei Ulyukaev. Recall that according to the results of that story, Ulyukaev went to prison to write poetry and read books, and Bashneft, with an estimate of the cost of which Ulyukaev allegedly "wisely" put sticks in the wheels of Sechin's people, became the property of Rosneft.

That is, here around - possible interests and people of Igor Sechin.

Recently, Pavel Vashchenko and a number of his assets, which were part of O1 Properties, have developed serious problems. At the end of September, the Moscow Arbitration Court declared bankrupt and introduced a bankruptcy proceedings against the Kvartal 674-675 company, which was part of O1. The company owns the Belaya Ploshchad office complex for 110 thousand square meters. meters near the Belorusskaya metro station.

It turned out that the total debt of the company is 48 billion rubles. At one time, O1 Properties acquired Belaya Ploshchad in 2012 with the involvement of borrowed funds from Sberbank, and subsequently loans from MKB Roman Avdeev could go to it. Let us remind you that earlier he worked with Vashchenko through the Rossium concern, it was MKB that acted as the main guarantor of financing the projects of the structure.

What do we see now? Vashchenko has already lost a number of assets - moreover, those who have gained a lot of debts. And now there is an "attack" on other assets of Vashchenko, remaining from Mints - at least through the offshore Yofoura Holding Limited.

By the way, the same offshore is slowly "raking" for itself and the former assets of the Ananyev brothers who fled from the country - the ex-owners of Promsvyazbank. In 2023, Yofoura Holding Limited filed a lawsuit against the structures of Progress-N JSC (until 2021 - PSN Group), Telecom JSC and Polyanka/44 LLC in Moscow arbitration to recover 1.26 billion rubles from them. PSN is a former asset of the Ananyevs.

Initially, the creditor of these companies was Sberbank, which allocated money for the construction of this facility back in 2014. These claim rights were eventually purchased by Yofoura Holding Limited, which Mr. Vashchenko should be behind. But with what means could he make such a purchase, if not at the expense of the Rossium concern, which included the MKB pumped up with Rosneft money?

There may also be money and subsequently collapsed "Discovery," which subsequently passed to the ICD. Back in 2018, Rosneft withdrew repo transactions worth about 200 billion rubles from Otkrytie's balance sheet - just before Otkrytie was reorganized. As people close to the state corporation said then, Rosneft had to choose a new reference bank, since the situation with the collapsed FC Otkritie was not clear.

Did Pavel Vashchenko subsequently use this money (of course, with the alleged permission of Sechin and Avdeev)?

It turns out that now it turned out to be "extreme." Apparently, many related companies that have debts or are in bankruptcy owe money to the structures associated with MKB and Mr. Avdeev.

Will one Vashchenko answer for everything?

It turns out a kind of "multi-way." If you believe the rumors that Vashchenko and Avdeev allegedly acted in the interests of Sechin's people, accumulating assets with his support and taking them offshore, now Igor Ivanovich could "set" his own alleged "wallets" and former partners against each other.

Sechin prepared a basket for Vaschenko?

Igor Sechin beat everyone again? Photo:

It is known that he loves to act with someone else's hands, is capable of creative solutions. And at the same time, the person is extremely calculating and allegedly very cynical.

It turns out that Rosneft invested in MKB, which could then go to finance Vashchenko's projects, buy out assets, and so on. At the same time, the entrepreneur collected assets and money left over from the Ananyevs and other respected people, whose companies could somehow interest Sechin's client.

And now the same Vashchenko was under the blow of a businessman Avdeev, who was previously close to him. Who is trying to recover funds from loans previously issued to offshore companies associated with Pavel Vashchenko. Such is the cycle of interests and assets in nature. It remains only to add that if this hypothesis is correct, then Roman Avdeev should also worry about his future. For every Avdeev, Igor Sechin will probably have a basket of sausages.