Shuvalov's "Sitimatic" approach

In the hands of asset manager Igor Shuvalov from VEB Sergey Kotlyarenko fell a "toxic" garbage asset, into which they had already begun to pour the money of the state bank.


In the hands of asset manager Igor Shuvalov from VEB Sergey Kotlyarenko fell a "toxic" garbage asset, into which they had already begun to pour the money of the state bank.

According to the correspondent of The Moscow Post in the Leningrad Region, a major participant in the Russian waste management market - JSC Citimatik - shows interest in the market of the Leningrad Region. The company became one of the winners of the regional competition for the most effective garbage recycling technology, proposing in its application to build a plant with a capacity of 800 thousand tons of waste per year for 3.1 billion rubles. Sitimatik is associated with KSP Capital, which belongs to Sergey Kotlyarenko, who manages the assets of the head of the ВЭБ.РФ Igor Shuvalov.

Earlier, Citimatik had a different name - Waste Management JSC and claims against its structures were repeatedly filed. The real owner of one of them, Waste Management-NN, which is now in the center of a criminal scandal, is called the senator from the Nizhny Novgorod region Vladimir Lebedev in the media. His son, Andrei Lebedev, was the director of development of JSC, and now works at Rosatom.

It is worth noting that on the territory of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, Nevsky Environmental Operator JSC has already been created for waste disposal. Among the co-founders are the governments of two regions, as well as the subsidiaries of Inter RAO and VTB. Now, in addition to Andrei Kostin from VTB, his colleague Igor Shuvalov also pulled up to the garbage topic. It is also noteworthy that they showed interest almost simultaneously, because Sergey Kotlyarenko entered the capital of Citimatik in December last year, and the Nevsky Environmental Operator was established in January 2021.

Citimatik is engaged in concession projects in the field of waste management and already has the status of a regional operator in the Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod, Murmansk and Saratov regions. It manages six waste sorting plants with a total capacity of 800 thousand tons per year. Kotlyarenko's plans include expanding the regions of presence and he decided to start with the Leningrad region.

And, presumably, it will be easy to do this with Shuvalov's connections and finances. And Kotlyarenko does not hide in whose interests he works - here, he even openly declared this to "Forbes".

And here it is worth recalling that Kotlyarenko himself in an interview with "Vedomosti" said that the acquisition of Waste Management JSC was "historically random." However, perhaps he is cunning: by the time he came to capital, the organization's structures were decently defiled, criminal cases appeared. It is possible that by changing the owner, the former beneficiaries decided to move away from unnecessary issues in their direction. And in April of this year, Waste Management JSC turned into Citimatic - to see in order to destroy negative associations.

Contaminated Business

TFR in the Nizhny Novgorod region continues to unravel the case with the Balakhninsky landfill of MSW. According to investigators, in 2013, the head of the Balakhna administration, Andrei Mochnev, issued an illegal permit to Waste Management-NN JSC for the construction of a landfill for solid household waste, and then allowed the facility to be put into operation.

This summer, the landfill was cordoned off, now investigators are studying all the necessary documentation of Citimatik-NN JSC, and experts are working at the landfill itself. The preliminary amount of damage from illegal exploitation may amount to about 1 billion rubles.

Meanwhile, the Balakhninsky inter-municipal training ground provides sanitary safety for about 300 thousand residents of the Novgorod region. JSC Waste Management-NN became the regional operator for solid municipal waste management in the Nizhny Novgorod Region in 2017.

Today, this company is the largest concessionaire of the Russian Federation in the field of solid municipal waste management. However, back in 2019, searches were carried out in the company's offices immediately in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Volgograd and Chelyabinsk, as "Regnum" reported.

At that time, Waste Management-NN JSC was affiliated with the Senator of the Federation Council from the Nizhny Novgorod Region Vladimir Lebedev - his son worked in the company. There was information that during searches in 2019, investigators could be interested in Lebedev Vladimir and Andrei. The latter is now several people - just Lebedev himself Vladimir Albertovich is an employee of the state corporation Rosatom and, it is possible that its head Sergey Kiriyenko personally could help him get away from unnecessary questions. Earlier, The Moscow Post wrote in detail about this.

In addition, the former Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Nikolai Nebov was previously employed in Waste Management-NN JSC. True, in the workplace, as they say, he was never seen, although he received a solid salary. All this suggests that his main area of ​ ​ work could be lobbying for the interests of the organization among the Nizhny Novgorod authorities.

The company has problems not only in the Nizhny Novgorod region. For example, recently the governor of the Chelyabinsk region Alexei Texler demanded to revise the agreement with the organization.

In addition, Sitimatik LLC, which was previously called Dnipro LLC, is not doing smoothly. Smolensk Region. " It was with her that "Business Vector" connected Smolensk garbage rubble. Back in 2019, the organization received six five-year garbage collection contracts for as much as 3.2 billion rubles. And the company was the only participant in the corresponding competition. Meanwhile, residents complained about garbage heaps and local law enforcement agencies became interested in the situation.

Money is ours, garbage is yours

Which is noteworthy, unlike the JSC of the same name, Sitimatik LLC is personally owned by Sergey Kotlyarenko. That's just his stake in the company is under encumbrance. And guess who? That's right, at the state VEB. In other words, Mr. Shuvalov has already begun to pour budget money into the garbage structures associated with him.

A similar situation is now also observed in Citimatik-Volgograd and Citimatik-Ugra, which sit in multimillion-dollar losses.

Apparently, VEB's money will be used for the project in the Leningrad region, which is estimated at almost 3.1 billion rubles. But will it be possible for a company with an ambiguous past to wash itself from old scandals and not get into new ones?