The case of Evgeny Sviridov: Kiriyenko is in no hurry to help

Clouds are gathering over Yevgeny Sviridov, a former intelligence officer and beneficiary of JSC TSK, who is in jail. Is his business empire in Tambov and Lipetsk over?


Clouds are gathering over Yevgeny Sviridov, a former intelligence officer and beneficiary of JSC TSK, who is in jail. Is his business empire in Tambov and Lipetsk over?

Sources report that the Presidential Administration is allegedly dissatisfied with the fact that the beneficiary of the Tambov Network Company (TSK), a former intelligence officer Yevgeny Sviridov, allegedly trumps the name of the deputy head of the Presidential Administration Sergei Kiriyenko. Especially now, when Mr. Sviridov is under a criminal case of fraud.

How it can end for him and TSK - in the material of the correspondent of The Moscow Post.

Allegedly, at one time Sviridov boasted of acquaintance with an influential official, which could allow the Tambov Grid Company to take control of electricity and water supply, heating, MSW removal and a number of other areas, first in the Tambov and then in the Lipetsk region. And then, when there were problems with law enforcement officers, he could try to use the name Kiriyenko to get out of the blow.

Judging by the fact that Mr. Sviridov has been in jail since 2022, the attempt was unsuccessful.

Recall that a former intelligence officer Sviridov is being held in a criminal case of fraud committed by an organized group, or on an especially large scale - Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Information about this appeared on the website of the courts of general jurisdiction of Moscow back in November 2022. However, the essence of the charges against Sviridov became known only in 2023.

The case of Evgeny Sviridov: Kiriyenko is in no hurry to help


At the same time, it turned out that the Main Investigation Department of the TFR reclassified the accusation of Sviridov from fraud to receiving a particularly large bribe. Together with him, a former intelligence officer Sergei Bespalov is also involved in the case.

Previously, they were accused of trying to get $1 million in 2019 from the scandalous banker Ilya Kligman, who is hiding from criminal prosecution in Germany. The money was allegedly needed to end his criminal case. Note that on the website of the Moscow courts in relation to Sviridov, the same article is still indicated as before - part 4 of 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The reason for initiating a case in 2022 was an appeal to law enforcement agencies by Sergei Gerasimenko, a confidant of Kligman, who is involved in the case of embezzlement of 7 billion rubles from Agrosoyuz Bank.

Former director of the Afrokom international fund, vice-president of the Rospolitika foundation Igor Yurasov and ex-president of the Lynx hockey club SOBR Bashir Kushtov, having learned that Moscow was investigating the case of embezzlement of money from Agrosoyuz by members of the organized criminal group, went to Gerasimenko and told him that for $1 million it was possible to "resolve the issue".

"Solvers" said that part of the rollback is required to be transferred to law enforcement officers - Evgeny Sviridov and Sergei Bespalov. Kligman's representative handed over the money, but no one removed the claims against Kligman. After that, all the "solvers", including Yurasov and Kushtov, were detained.

Subsequently, the Sviridov case was allocated to another proceeding. And it went there about another episode. The siloviki found that when Sviridov and Bespalov were still members of the special services, in 2014 they received information about the investigation of a criminal case against a certain businessman hiding abroad. His name is not called.

The defendants requested the same bribe of $1 million, which they received. Subsequently, according to the investigation, Sviridov transferred part of the funds received through the accounts of controlled legal entities to foreign companies Megatrade & Investment Corporation (UAE) and Hybridge Alliance Limited (UK), registered with his close relatives.

"Solvers" fizzled out?

It seems that such a "solution of issues" could have been put on stream by Yevgeny Sviridov. Judging by the fact that his alleged accomplice Bespalov was released under house arrest, and Sviridov was left in a pre-trial detention center, the clouds are gathering over him. In this situation, does he appeal to Kiriyenko?

In general, it would still be strange for Sviridov to act as a "solver", because according to media reports, he is the beneficiary of the same "Tambov Network Company", a very profitable holding in the housing and communal services sector operating in the Tambov and Lipetsk regions. Evgeny Sviridov is even called the "shadow master" of these regions.

TSK is one of the largest system regional operators in the country in the field of housing and communal services, providing the production and supply of utility energy in several regions, including Lipetsk. Among other things, she is also a regoperator for MSW management in the Tambov region.

Earlier, the company announced plans to expand the large Bastion landfill in the Tambov region. Local residents believed that it was illegal. People worried about the environment, wrote appeals to the authorities, even went to unauthorized protests. As a result, the decision to expand the landfill was canceled - not without the participation of Tambov officials, who were frightened by the "second Shies".

The structure and its subsidiaries continued to receive large government contracts, repair roads, sell heat energy and take out garbage. But after Sviridov got into the pre-trial detention center, problems fell on her, like from the Horn of Plenty.

In 2022, PJSC Rosseti tried to recover over half a billion rubles from JSC TSK. At the same time, the situation concerned 2008, when Tambov Regional Company OJSC, from which TSK "grew", and now liquidated, entered into an agreement for the supply of electricity.

Subsequently, the Government of the Russian Federation demanded significant changes to it, but this was not done. In this regard, the plaintiff considered the contract "not concluded" and withdrew the acts of rendering services for the first five months of 2022. This allowed Tambovenergo to go to court with a claim to recover 508 million rubles of unjustified enrichment from a partner.

The court refused. Surely Sviridov managed to "tighten" his mobile phone in the pre-trial detention center and called Sergei Vladilenovich?

And this year, 2024, the Moscow Transport Prosecutor's Office was "excited". She filed a lawsuit against TSK demanding to change the terms of the contract for waste management services concluded between the company and the Tambov College of Railway Transport. She also demands to revise the contracts of JSC "TSK" with the central district hospitals of Staroyuryevsk and Tokarevka.

The case of Evgeny Sviridov: Kiriyenko is in no hurry to help


Apparently, when Sviridov was "on horseback", contracts with his structure could be concluded on conditions unfavorable for the state. And we recall that only the parent JSC "TSK" acted as a supplier for 5.8 billion and a customer for 25.9 billion rubles.

In addition, the alleged relative of Yevgeny Sviridov, Ivan Sviridov, was a co-founder of TransDorStroy LLC (TDS), registered in Voronezh. According to our source, this company received government contracts allegedly with the help of a native of Tambov, the former vice-mayor of Lipetsk and the former vice-governor of the Lipetsk region Dmitry Averov.

The case of Evgeny Sviridov: Kiriyenko is in no hurry to help


Averov was considered the man of Governor Igor Artamonov. He was well disgraced when Artamonov wanted to appoint him a senator to the Federation Council, but they pretended that they had not received the relevant documents from the head of the region. Subsequently, Averov was "brought" to the post of head of the Regional Council of the Lipetsk Region, and then "pushed" through the by-election to the State Duma. There Averov took the place of the deceased parliamentarian Nikolai Bortsov.

But something else is interesting. Now the company is actually not operating. According to the latest known information for 2019, she received a loss of 121 million rubles, the value of her assets minus 116 million rubles. Information about the legal address and general director filed with the Unified State Register of Legal Entities was found to be unreliable.

The case of Evgeny Sviridov: Kiriyenko is in no hurry to help


It seems that all the money could be banally withdrawn from the company. And that would be no surprise. Indeed, after Ivan Sviridov left the number of its owners, the shares of the structure ended up with the Seychelles offshore LESSA LIMITED. Is it worth looking for funds received under government contracts in Russia?

Without Tuzov up your sleeve

Previously, the financial director of TDS was Gennady Trufanov - according to a source, a man of Evgeny Sviridov. Prior to that, he also worked in the Tambov LLC "Arks7" - allegedly, another "brainchild" of Sviridov. After Trufanov came to Arks7, large state orders fell on him, their total amount is now 5.4 billion rubles.

He, Trufanov, worked in the SEZ "Lipetsk" - just at the time when he was headed by the aforementioned Dmitry Averov. And among other things, according to our source, allegedly earlier Gennady Trufanov could be prosecuted for beating some activists in the Moscow region, and could also be suspected of corruption. It was not possible to confirm the reliability of this information.

Note that it was possible to take root in the Lipetsk region for a business that seemed close to Yevgeny Sviridov under the former vice-governor of the Lipetsk region, Ilya Tuzov, who was in charge of housing and communal services. In 2022, Aces was under investigation on suspicion of abuse of office. According to the investigation, on behalf of the official, the Ruslan-1 company won at the auction, although the company's application exceeded the offers of competitors by 33.5 million rubles. Tuzov was incredibly lucky - at the time of the announcement on the wanted list, he was abroad with his family, where he remains.

Thus, it is obvious that the "fat years" of Yevgeny Sviridov and his people in the Lipetsk and Tambov regions are over. People he may have worked with have fled or are under criminal investigation, as he is. Here Sergey Kiriyenko could hardly help...