Another American in big politics?

US Vice President Kamala Harris has officially announced her intention to seek nomination from the Democratic Party in the presidential elections.


US Vice President Kamala Harris has officially announced her intention to seek nomination from the Democratic Party in the presidential elections.

Kamala Harris is a first-generation American. In this capacity, Harris became the first Attorney General of California. As vice president, The Wall Street Journal reported, she is not part of Joe Biden's "inner circle" of advisers and is little familiar with US foreign policy.

According to another publication, former President Barack Obama believed that Harris would not be able to defeat Trump in the election. And yet. Aides to Obama and Harris have already discussed the possibility of them appearing together on her campaign trail. Obama has already begun giving Harris advice on the work of the campaign headquarters.

What happens if Harris takes the Oval Office in the White House?

Back in February, she accused Trump of "bowing" to Moscow, then criticized the Russian President, calling his peace proposals on Ukraine the conditions of "surrender." According to Politico, Harris will continue Biden's "case". She had six meetings with Zelensky, the last in Switzerland. At the Munich Security Conference, she promised to support Ukraine "as long as necessary".

What happens if?

"At the moment, we cannot assess the potential candidacy of Harris, because so far there has been no contribution to bilateral relations. There were some statements that were replete with unfriendly rhetoric, other actions with a plus or minus sign have not been recorded so far", said Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the Russian President.

One way or another, it will be incredibly difficult for Harris to go beyond the perimeter of the "red flags" previously placed by her influential fellow citizens and fellow citizens.

Several successful career women worked with Russia before Harris. Some had experience of communicating not only with the "Russians," but also with the "Soviet". Others studied history, made a career by learning Russian.

Growing up under the "sun" of democracy in the American way, all these ladies passed a kind of "selection". When they were brought to the surface of American politics, it turned out that they were either suspicious, or malicious, or malicious-suspicious in relation to Russia.

At the same time, women dominated US politics in the Russian direction. The hostility towards Russia was distinguished by Hilary Clinton, who was prevented by the Kremlin's "interference" in the 2016 elections from moving from the State Department building to the White House. As Secretary of State, she managed to offer Sergei Lavrov to "overload" bilateral relations, which then happened. The relationship could not stand it, "went to the bottom", under Biden they simply did not become.

Losses were not only Russia. With her burning desire to take revenge on Vladimir Putin, Clinton literally "poisoned" Donald Trump for his presidential term. He was pretty hurt by his acquaintance with Moscow in 2013, which took place as part of the Miss Universe competition program.

Siberia is a woman's business...

It has long been known that in Washington it is better to be silent about Russia, or speak badly, better very badly. Among the secretaries of state, Madeline Albright (born Maria Yana Korbelova), the first woman in US history to hold this high office, stood out for her toughness.

She personally participated in the selection of targets on the territory of Yugoslavia, which were attacked by NATO forces. In 2007, she signed a letter calling on Congress to abandon the adoption of a resolution on the genocide of Armenian citizens.

Before these events, in 1997, Russian Foreign Minister Yevgeny Maksimovich Primakov invited her to his home for dinner. For informal negotiations. But Albright once stated that this is "the greatest injustice when lands like Siberia are owned by Russia alone". She later denied that she uttered these words.

When Albright had already left the civil service, Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev remarked about these words in an interview with the "Kommersant" newspaper: "We have enormous wealth, and the Americans believe that we own them illegally and undeservedly, because, in their opinion, we do not use them as we should have used".

… because it's big

These "greedy-resource views" on Russia were later supported by Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State in the George W. Bush administration. At least in 2008, the impression was that she, too, stated that "Siberia is too big and cannot belong to only one state".

Rice first visited the USSR back in 1979 and was considered a specialist in Russia, but this did not help the relationship. But she developed a good relationship with Sergei Ivanov, the then Minister of Defense. We went to the ballet together. She shared the ideas of the "neocons", supported the invasion of the United States and satellites in Iraq, and advocated the admission of Ukraine and Georgia to NATO. She actively disliked Donald Trump.

Fiona Hill, born in England, was also preoccupied with the riches of Russia. She published her views in the book "The Curse of Siberia", in which she claimed that it was cold compared to Florida, but there were many resources! She was also interested in the Russian Far Eastern territories.

Under the leadership of Harvard professor Graham Allison, Hill in 1991-92 worked as the organizing secretary of an international project, the ultimate goal of which could be, according to Allison's plan, the return of the southern Kuril Islands to Japan. Money for the project came from Japan's Sasakawa Foundation.

Hill in Washington noticed. From April 2017 to July 2019, she was even Trump's special assistant on European and Russian affairs, but she secretly did not respect her president, and later "surrendered" him, testifying against Trump at a congressional hearing. She is also known as a biographer of Putin. The Kremlin archives contain a photo where Fiona was captured in June 2018 at a meeting between the President of the Russian Federation and National Security Adviser Bolton.

From a basket of cookies...

Ironically, all these talk-dreams about Russian resources and territories brought politicians to Ukraine. Victoria Nuland (née Nudelman) continued to develop a strategic line for the "weaning" of Russian territories. She succeeded, but not in the east, in Siberia, but in Ukraine.

A lot of money was allocated for this project. They say about five billion dollars, and all these funds were American. No one could have imagined that later the bill would go to hundreds of billions and many thousands of civilian lives, millions of refugees and destroyed cities.

But that's exactly what Democratic administrations, especially Biden, have been targeting. Nuland went to this goal as the ideologist of the power "hitting" Russia. She was prevented from getting to the post of Secretary of State by the successes of the Russian Armed Forces in liberating the former Ukraine from Ukronacists and foreign mercenaries. Before retirement, she continued to drown Ukraine, where in her youth she worked in a children's camp in Odessa.

… to the Pentagon

With the beginning of the SWO, the conflict grew so much that it began to threaten the security of the United States itself. Of the women politicians, Celeste Ann Wallander can be distinguished. She is also a kind of "product" of Harvard University, worked there with Joseph Nye, a reasonable person. But, unlike the coronavirus, "reasonableness" is not transmitted through conversations.

Wallander works for the Pentagon, where he holds the position of Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs. During the hearings in the Committee on Armed Forces of the US House of Representatives, Congressman Matt Getz asked Wallander if it was necessary to exclude Crimea from Russia for the "strategic defeat" of the Russian Federation in the conflict that the administration is talking about?

"Absolutely vital to teach Putin a lesson", she replied. At the same time, Goetz himself said that Crimea would never secede from the Russian Federation. He was supported by Congressman Adam Smith, who said that Crimea would remain a Russian region.

Wallander's preoccupation with Crimea has its own history. In February 2010, she visited Sevastopol as part of the American military delegation and stated that "cooperation with the Ukrainian Navy plays a key role for the United States in [bilateral] military relations".

Wallander once argued that "Russia needs to be integrated into global economic, business, political and leadership circles, but by its presence it should not distort the rules of this system. Russia itself must adapt to them [the rules]".

What do they say about Harris?

As you can see, all women in the highest government posts in the United States "noted" that bilateral relations with Russia not only destroyed, but went further and built not at all female, far-reaching strategic plans. Why should Kamala Harris be different from them? Maybe only because it did not absorb Russophobia from the student bench? But Harris's entourage, become the president of the United States, will do their job. Clinton and Nuland cannot be laundered from aggressive Russophobia. They will continue to demand that Russia "adapt to the rules".

Some in the US call Harris's possible rise to power a "nightmare prospect". Ordinary Americans will suffer from this, writes The Federalist and cites 30 reasons as evidence! It is alleged, in particular, that Harris deliberately concealed Biden's mental weakness. Indirectly supports the right to abortion. Involved in the record invasion of migrants in the United States. At the peak of the popularity of the Black Lives Matter movement, she called for depriving the police of funding.

Harris advocates for the redistribution of wealth along racial lines. She intends to take away weapons from fellow citizens, raise taxes, ban oil and gas production by hydraulic fracturing, and also deprive Americans of medical insurance. The list is extensive and published. The problems of relations with Russia pale against the background of these purely internal problems and unresolved issues.

Yes, Kamala Harris, when she was a prosecutor, oppressed journalists!