It's not for you to blow up gas pipelines

Israel went much further than organizing sabotage on international offshore gas pipelines, tried the forces of its agents against the background of a solemn meeting in Tehran. Like, know ours! One cannot but ask: "Is Netanyahu a student of Biden, or vice versa?"


Israel went much further than organizing sabotage on international offshore gas pipelines, tried the forces of its agents against the background of a solemn meeting in Tehran. Like, know ours! One cannot but ask: "Is Netanyahu a student of Biden, or vice versa?"

The fact is that the "handwriting patterns" are similar. Like the US president, the Israeli prime minister did not comment on the assassination in Tehran of the head of the politburo of the radical Palestinian movement Hamas, Ismail Haniya. And at night, in his residence. The leader of Hamas was in Iran at the invitation of the government of this country to participate in the inauguration ceremony of Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian.

The Hamas leader was housed in northern Tehran in a residence reserved for combat veterans. According to the Fars agency, the building was hit from the air at 02:00 local time. It could be a "guided aircraft projectile." Details in the material of the correspondent UtroNews.

President Pezeshkian believes that the death of the head of the Hamas Politburo, Ismail Haniya, in Tehran was another reason to increase support for the resistance forces opposing Israel. He called the "terrorist acts the result of Israel's deadlock" and "failure in its criminal policies."

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov called the incident a political murder that threatens further escalation in the region. Russian ambassador to Tel Aviv Anatoly Viktorov suggested on the air of the Russia 24 TV channel that the United States could know about the impending attack. He noted that Israel enjoys the "rabid" support of the United States, which are behaving "absolutely irresponsibly."

By escalation steps

Benjamin Netanyahu's office instructed not to speak out on the topic.

Only one of his cabinet left a comment that the death of their partner in the Gaza ceasefire talks "makes the world a better place."

Moscow does not agree with this, they say that "indirect contacts between Hamas and Israel" are under threat. It was within this framework that the terms of the ceasefire were agreed.

Qatar, which has taken on the role of mediator in the negotiations, condemned the killing of the Hamas leader, called it "a heinous crime, a dangerous escalation, as well as a flagrant violation of international and humanitarian law," and warned that the threat of plunging the region into chaos has increased.

Hamas blames Israel and the United States for Haniya's murder. A spokesman for the movement claims that it was coordinated with the White House.

Hamas' deputy politburo chief Musa Abu Marzouq vowed to respond.

His spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri, said the assassination of Hamas' politburo chief would escalate the conflict but would not help Israel achieve its goals in fighting the movement.

Palestinian resistance forces have every right to "punish" the organizers of Haniya's assassination, said Vice President of the outgoing Iranian government Amir Hossein Ghazizadeh Hashemi.

The leader of the Yemeni Houthis declared the need for a military response to the "axis of resistance."

Who granted "the license for murder"?

According to NYT, preparation of operation on murder was planned within several months and included thorough observation of the Tehran residence. The newspaper also claims that the damage caused to the building corresponds to damages which could be received as a result of blasting the explosive device, but not missile strike.

Several American officials consider that Israel is responsible for Haniya's murder, reported newspaper sources. Employees of the Israeli intelligence also allegedly informed the USA and the governments of other western countries on operation details right after her carrying out.

All this happened on the territory of Iran. The permanent representative of this country at the UN Amir Said Irvani said at SB meeting that Tehran, following international law, reserves the right for self-defense and can react when consider necessary. The mission of Iran at the UN also urged the Security Council to impose sanctions against Israel for acts of aggression.

The U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken transferred to Iran the message with a request to refuse response. The USA also sent dozen of warships to the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea. Probably to provide protection to Israel if it is required.

Journalists asked the Assistant to the President of the USA on national security Jake Sullivan as Ismail Haniyeh's murder will influence consultations on ceasefire in Gaza and to exchange of hostages between Israel and the radical Palestinian movement.

Sullivan answered: "So far too early to say about how his death will influence negotiations therefore I won't argue on it, especially in the light of broader dynamics and events which are developed now in the region. I will tell the following: ceasefire and the transaction with hostages is a way to the termination of this war. It is a way to return of all hostages home. And we are still determined to achieve it", - he told.

"Now that they to us will tell the [USA] to all and as they will try to torpedo efforts on that the Security Council after all demanded from the parties of immediate ceasefire, and not just demanded, but also tracked that this transaction, this decision was carried out. The Security Council has all tools for this purpose [ceasefire in the Middle East], there is the international legal framework, everything is clear, but there are here political, momentary, egoistical reasons of the United States which disturb all now", - the first deputy permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN Dmitry Polyansky said at a briefing.

Can become "a non-return point"

The Israeli political scientist Simon Tsipis said that the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu intentionally accelerates succession of events, using blows as a pretext. Any resonant events only increase chances of the full-scale regional conflict, - Tsipis concluded.

The research supervisor of the INF Treaty Andrei Kortunov noticed that Israel took two "resonant" steps on the way of escalation at once. Earlier, as a result of strike against Beirut the senior adviser to the leader of Hezbollah Fuad Shukr died. The double strike against Beirut and Tehran — to the capitals of two sovereign states with which Israel isn't at war — was directed against Hezbollah and Hamas. Actually the political leadership of Iran was the purpose of blows, - Kortunov considers.

Israel is ready to go on the raised war risks to return the Iranian subject to the center of the Middle Eastern agenda, having removed these a problem of Palestine. We will remind in this regard that "the double strike" against Beirut and Tehran was preceded by death of civilians of the city of Madzhdal-Shams. Our correspondent asked a question of the deputy director of Department of Information and Press of the Russian MFA at the briefing which was taking place on August 31.

Question: Syria considers Israel involved in firing of the city of Madzhdal-Shams in the Golan heights. Hezbollah explains an incident with falling of the Israeli interceptor missile. Israel considers that a blow was struck by the Iranian rocket from an arsenal Hezbollah and promises the "tough" answer. Washington confirmed "firmness" of support of Israel. Zhozep Borel urged to make independent international investigation. What position of Russia?

Answer: I can only repeat that the position of Russia is consecutive and consists in need of manifestation of the maximum restraint in the conditions of the developed explosive situation. It is important to clear all details of this tragic incident. We urge the involved parties to behave most responsibly and to abstain from any actions which can bring a situation out of control and cause irreparable consequences.

"Restraint" and "stalled negotiations"

Acting Iranian Foreign Minister A. Bagheri-Kani called Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov yesterday. They condemned the assassination of the head of the Hamas Politburo in Tehran, stressed that political killings are unacceptable and can have extremely dangerous consequences, fraught with a sharp escalation in the zone of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and a landslide degradation of the regional situation.

"The organizers of such provocations clearly expect to disrupt the already stalled negotiation process and are betting on involving the United States in hostilities to oblivion UN resolutions on the creation of a Palestinian state," the heads of the diplomatic departments of Russia and Iran said, without naming Israel, abusing the "rabid support" of the United States.

Lavrov called on all parties affecting the situation in the Gaza Strip and the Middle East to prevent actions that could lead to further destabilization and entail new civilian casualties.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian also said: "We are closely monitoring the situation. We strongly condemn this murder. We are deeply concerned that this incident could escalate the situation in the region. China has always advocated the resolution of regional disputes through negotiations and dialogue. In the Gaza Strip, a full and permanent ceasefire should be achieved as soon as possible to avoid further escalation of the conflict and confrontation. "

Russian diplomacy, relying on a high level of trust on the part of all regionals, continues to work energetically to stabilize the situation in the Middle East, the Russian Foreign Ministry notes.

Everything would be fine, but the current leadership of Israel can have its own opinion on this matter...