Kamala mahala: who the US elections depend on

In particular, this choice will have to be made by American voters. The presidential race in the United States has entered a decisive phase. One of the issues on which candidates sharply diverge is related to issues of war and peace.


In particular, this choice will have to be made by American voters. The presidential race in the United States has entered a decisive phase. One of the issues on which candidates sharply diverge is related to issues of war and peace.

Vice President Kamala Harris, described by her political opponents as "Marxist, socialist and communist," is committed to a cult of American militarism. "As commander in chief, I will make sure that America always has the strongest and deadliest fighting force in the world," she said Thursday in a speech at the Democratic National Convention.

The convention was Hollywood-style, spectacular, emotional and empty. They adopted a new program of the Democratic Party, where Ukraine is mentioned once, and Russia - 15. Why vote for Harris? Because she is the daughter of immigrants from India and Jamaica and still smiles! Many Americans may be affected. Details in the material UtroNews.

Harris's attitude to the crisis in Ukraine raises questions. She advocates military assistance to Kyiv and is ready to continue the current course of Washington. According to her, she warned Kyiv about the beginning of the conflict five days before the outbreak of hostilities, as the vice president helped prepare a US diplomatic response to the Russian military operation in Ukraine.

"Democracy, Tyranny and the World Order"

At the end of last week, Harris agreed to run for the presidency from the Democratic Party, delivered a speech in which she promised to "stand firmly on the side of Ukraine" and support the Kyiv authorities in the conflict with Russia.

She says it is a matter of "fighting between democracy and tyranny." Although in June, on the sidelines of a conference in Switzerland, she said that Washington supports Kyiv not for the sake of charity, but to maintain a favorable world order.

Harris accused Republican candidate Donald Trump of cooperating with "autocrats." Trump replied that Harris does not command respect from "these leaders," and as president of the United States, she could lead to the outbreak of a third world war, which could become nuclear.

If so, then, most likely, the war will affect the territory of the United States. In particular, therefore, Trump spoke about the need to limit support for Kyiv, stating that US President Joe Biden has repeatedly spoken about Ukraine's membership in NATO. This was one of the main reasons for the conflict, which threatens to develop into a world war.

There are never many polls

Back in August 2023, a CNN poll showed that more than half of Americans were against the US Congress providing additional aid to Ukraine. 45% of respondents were in favor of financing military assistance, 55% were against. Only 17% of respondents believed a year ago that the participation of American military forces was necessary in the conflict.

With the help of sociological research, you can form public opinion, or influence the mood of voters. Obliging media outlets make no secret of their traditional liking for the Democratic Party.

There are other sources of influence on voter sentiment. So, rather, the conservative non-governmental center Pew Research Center reported that fears have grown in American society that Russia will win and seize Ukraine.

The respondents added that 31% of Americans believe that Washington is providing too much assistance to Ukraine, 25% of respondents call the amount of assistance sufficient, almost the same amount (24%) - insufficient, another 18% found it difficult to answer this question.

Supporters of the Democratic and Republican parties at the same time radically differed in their assessments. Almost half of Republicans (49%) called aid to Ukraine excessive, insufficient - only 13%. Among Democrats, 36% considered the aid insufficient, and only 16% of respondents were excessive.

Almost half of Americans (48%) fear that Russia may invade other countries in the region, 23% of respondents are not worried. Among Republicans, 41% of respondents answered this way, among Democrats - 58%.

Democrats are more likely to answer that assistance to Kyiv is beneficial to US national security (49% versus 26% who believe that it is harmful). Among Republicans, the picture is reversed: 47% consider aid to harm US security interests, 24% benefit.

NATO's credibility among Americans is declining and depends on party affiliation. In general, 58% of Americans are positive about the alliance - 4 percentage points less than in 2023. The study authors call this decline "significant." Among Republicans, 43% of respondents think so, and among Democrats - 75%.

Half of Americans (48%) are convinced that Europeans should increase their defense spending, 18% consider spending adequate, 8% are in favor of reducing it.

The overwhelming majority of respondents still believe that China's global influence is growing - 71% versus 66% in 2022. More Americans responded than two years ago about the growing role of India (35% versus 23%). The United States, according to 54% of respondents (47% in 2022), are becoming weaker on the world stage, only 14% believe that the opposite is stronger.

EuroNATOUnion for War?

Russian President Vladimir Putin called nonsense statements that Moscow allegedly wants to attack NATO, stressing that such statements are made by the West in order to fool its citizens and maintain their dominant position.

Few Americans understand that Europeans live under the tyrannical oppression of the European Union, which usurped power and is not elected by Europeans themselves. The EU claims to protect European democracy from Russia, but there are no democratic governments in Europe.

No European government, including Britain, represents its country's ethnic base. The white European population cannot protest against immigrants. Such protests are officially regarded as hate speech and hate crimes. The police take the side of immigrants. Leaders or organizers of protests are arrested, protesters are beaten.

The new British prime minister, himself a white ethnic Briton, railed against his own people and for immigrants. Germans, Italians, Dutch, Belgians, Swedes, Norwegians found themselves in a similar position. Even the Irish are subservient to the interests of immigrants imposed on them by the government.

And the EU authorities tell these countries to prepare for war with Russia! In July, Der Spiegel published Germany's operational plan in case of war on NATO's eastern flank.

According to the document, within three to six months, 800 thousand servicemen, as well as 200 thousand cars and heavy equipment, can be transferred from ports in northern Europe to the east. Germany's task should be to provide the grouping with fuel, medicines and food.

Democrats are organized but split

The Democrats are organized, united by a fanatical, anti-Christian agenda to turn the United States into the Tower of Babel of Sodom and Gomorrah.

But the nephew of the 35th US President Robert Kennedy Jr. stopped his election campaign and supported Trump. He joined the Republican at a campaign rally in Arizona and said that he promised him to "end the influence of neocons in US foreign policy" and reduce the scale of the military presence abroad.

"We were not talking about the values ​ ​ that share us, because we do not agree on everything, but about the values ​ ​ and problems that bind us together," the politician said, according to CNN. Meanwhile, entrepreneur Elon Musk on the social network X says that members of the Democratic Party have become leftist supporters of authoritarian power.

This week, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump accused the Democrats of a coup in the country due to the inability of the incumbent head of state Joe Biden to compete with him in the elections. Is a dark horse named Kamala Harris capable of this?