Maria Zakharova: The culprits of what is happening on the Korean Peninsula are the United States

Today the next briefing of the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova took place.


Today the next briefing of the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova took place.

Traditionally, The Moscow Post correspondent asked his questions.

Our question was about the situation on the Korean peninsula. Namely, earlier the Russian Foreign Ministry stated that the situation around the Korean Peninsula is at a dangerous impasse, Russia does not want an escalation of the conflict on its Far Eastern borders. We asked to tell you in more detail what can be done in this situation or where could you start?

Maria Vladimirovka said that since 2018, Russia has been emphasizing the urgent and constant danger of an escalation of tension on the Korean Peninsula.

"Why? Because it is fraught with a full-scale full-scale military conflict", - Zakharova said.

In Russia, they always said and laid out this situation into components, operating not with templates, not with memes, nor with any clichés, but they said that the United States was the culprits of what was happening.

They, together with their regional allies from South Korea and Japan, in a non-stop mode, during various exercises, practice, as they call, decapitating strikes against North Korea, using American strategic potential, strengthening military ties in the Triple Format.

They are promoting NATO infrastructure in the subregion and these steps pose an immediate threat not only to the DPRK, but also to all countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

We also talked about those manipulations and those deceptions and those insinuations and manipulations that the United States carried out against North Korea - either luring negotiations, or violating their own obligations, Maria Vladimirovna emphasized.

Russia invariably adheres to a principled approach in favor of a peaceful settlement of the problems of the Korean Peninsula on the basis of mutual consideration of legitimate security interests of all countries of Northeast Asia.

The Foreign Ministry spokesman emphasizes that the key condition for this, as we have repeatedly noted, is the rejection of the policy of blackmail and threats, sanctions and military pressure.

Conditions when Washington, in force, continues to hatch plans to change the geopolitical landscape of the subregion.

Russia DPRK concluded an agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership designed to cool the warlike ardor of those who seek to secure hegemony by military means and push them to think about the need to start taking practical steps to defuse military-political tension in order to further create an architecture of indivisible security in the region, concluded Maria Zakharova.