Miroshnik told about crimes of the Kiev mode and commented on events in Butch and Kramatorsk

Today the briefing of the Ambassador at large the MFA of Russia on crimes of the Kiev regime of Rodion Miroshnik took place.


Today the briefing of the Ambassador at large the MFA of Russia on crimes of the Kiev regime of Rodion Miroshnik took place.

During the action the facts of the most resonant violations by the Kiev mode and its sponsors of international humanitarian law for the first half of the year 2024 were provided.

Traditionally the questions were asked also by the correspondent of The Moscow Post.

The first question which interested us whether it was allowed to receive some data on crimes of the Kiev mode in Butch whether there is this information on neutral or friendly the Russian Federation of the countries, - if whether yes, they are ready to share her with the Russian Federation?

Miroshnik noted that Russia already gave assessment of the situation in Butch. This indicative, production, bloody show organized by the Kiev mode, and indicative statements of the French and British sides that they direct experts there and also that are ready to carry out criminological expertize 2 years later didn't yield any results.

Russia, Miroshnik continued, has no access to this territory.

"We have no access to witnesses and we have no access to places of the happened tragedy. Therefore to carry out full and investigation by independent forces we can't", - Rodion Valeryevich added.

At the same time, there is a conclusion which the Investigative Committee of Russia shares with department. In the conclusions of Investigative Committee there are questions, namely an event postanovochnost in Butch. For example, which traces of drawing of people pulled out and displayed - it is visible that people didn't fall dead at once there, "we see perfectly that time of approach of death of these people, even according to photos and video, strongly differs".

Besides, there is the whole list of doubts which now remotely which our experts who had an opportunity to analyze only videos could state that's it.

"I think that from the Ukrainian side all actions are purposefully taken to chatter, rumple and hide all consequences. This production bloody show", - Miroshnik emphasized.

He reminded that nearly not one events of Ukraine, since the Maidan, 10 years later didn't investigate. Any official data which it would be possible to check which really would confirm the taken place events which are upon crimes of the Kiev mode today aren't investigated. Moreover Russia repeatedly at international venues according to the tragedy in Butch asked provide us at least the list of injured people of the death of whom accuse the Russian Federation.

There passed two years, however we didn't receive any official lists of people which suffered or became the victims of the tragedy.

Miroshnik considers that time and additional emergence of new opportunities which would allow to make full investigation of these crimes and removal on him of a sentence which who accurately would allow to call will be required is responsible and the director of this bloody show.

"Why to do it we perfectly know, - he continued for what it was necessary to give up as a bad job the Istanbul talks, production operation was used just this".

Today, unfortunately, so far, we are deprived of an opportunity to give the full and reasonable answer, Miroshnik told.

The second question concerned missile strike of AFU at the railway station in Kramatorsk on April 8, 2022. The version about participation of Russia at once was rejected, even the western journalists. Whether there is some investigation of this act of terrorism - at us or in the West whether there is some information on it.

Miroshnik reported that according to the tragedy in Kramatorsk it was told at once that a blow was struck with a rocket which isn't in an arsenal of the Russian army today.

Besides, a blow was struck with the shock Tochka-U missile system, being in an arsenal of the Ukrainian paramilitary groups.

For this reason to try to attribute this story of Russia absolutely it is impossible, but also to force the Ukrainian side to make investigation to show guilty persons of this crime the Ukrainian power didn't make any attempt

In the same, he emphasizes that he didn't hear on one international platform of any appeals from the western allies of Ukraine who are for them a big authority and the sponsor for the Kiev mode, claims or wishes to the Ukrainian side to make detailed, transparent investigation with involvement of certain international experts who independently could allow to draw conclusions, Rodion Valeryevich concluded.

We will remind that during strike of the Ukrainian fighters against Kramatorsk at least 50 people died.