Moldova is "integrated" by stuffing

Maia Sandu and her curators are preparing Moldova for the forceful return of Transnistria.


Maia Sandu and her curators are preparing Moldova for the forceful return of Transnistria.

Last weekend, a vote in the presidential elections took place in Moldova. At the same time, a referendum was held on joining the European Union - according to its results, it is planned to consolidate this desire of the people in the country's Constitution. The results were far from what was expected in the team of the President of the Republic, Maia Sandu.

Details - in the material of the correspondent of The Moscow Post.

The results of the double vote were a cold shower for official Chisinau and President Sandu. The latter could not win in the first round, despite the use of administrative resources, obsessive propaganda and the help of Western political strategists and the media.

She was first in the race with 42.45% of the vote. This means an inevitable second round, where her rival will be the candidate from the Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova (PSRM) Alexander Stoyanoglo, who finished with a score of 25.98%. At the same time, the turnout was 51.67% - 1.5 million people cast their votes.

The second round will be extremely difficult for Sandu - the opposition will try to consolidate the votes of the losing candidates against the incumbent president.

Stoyanoglo is a conditionally pro-Russian candidate. Conditionally, because in reality it is not, he is a banal Eurosceptic, focused on normal trade, economic, political and humanitarian relations with Russia. Now in the West, this is enough to attribute the support of any such candidate to the Kremlin.

All official propaganda worked for this. Stoyanoglo was credited with receiving instructions straight from the Kremlin, conducting an election campaign with Russian money, and having ties to Moldovan oligarch Ilon Shor, who is also believed to be acting in Russian interests.

However, the same could play against Sandu herself. Having become president in 2020, she did not solve a single task facing Moldova. The standard of living continues to decline, and the country is at risk of being drawn into an armed conflict in Transnistria against the backdrop of geopolitical events in Europe.

And in this context, a referendum on European integration is extremely important. And here - an even greater scandal than the inability of Sanda to win in the first round of elections. Ballots were counted late into the night. President Maya Sandu had to postpone the voting briefing three times. At the same time, all exit polls showed a slight advantage for those who do not consider it necessary to mention the path to the EU in the Constitution.

The result was as follows - supporters of European integration won with an advantage of less than one percent. And all this advantage was obtained at night. Allegedly, due to voting at polling stations in other states.

However, those who are familiar with the specifics of such elections understand that after counting 50% of the votes, there can be only minor fluctuations - about 3-5%. However, a sharp increase was shown by the counting of just the latest ballots. It looks very much like a large number of votes in favor could have been thrown into the polling stations at the end of voting day.

Of course, in Moldova itself and the EU immediately accused Russia - allegedly, she tried her best to prevent Sandu. As a result, she did not win in the first round. And Russia was accused of trying to disrupt the vote on European integration. Note that mainly representatives of large cities and the center of the country voted for. And against - eight regions, counting Transnistria and Gagauzia.

In fact, people are corny afraid of the absorption of Romania, the loss of their own national identity. Sandu herself is a citizen of Romania, she never hid that her goal is to annex Moldova to this country. Under Sandu, the mass distribution of Romanian passports began, the enhanced planting of the so-called. European values ​and a real witch hunt. In the role of witches, of course, all those who disagree with such a course, as well as those who do not want to make Moldova the arena of geopolitical rivalry of the great powers.

Second front against Russia

This is where the dog is buried. The entry in the Constitution about the course in the EU is needed for a reason. Moldova has an unresolved territorial problem with Transnistria. They want to solve it by force, for which a clear justification is needed based on the alleged will of the people. Since the people of Moldova decided to go to the EU, he gives Sandu a mandate for a military solution to the issue. Well, the western curators of Chisinau are just waiting for this. Like Ukraine.

Thus, Sandu can prepare a bloody denouement of a long-standing territorial conflict. Russia, most likely, cannot seriously help Transnistria. Similarly, they tried to open a second front against Russia in Georgia.

Yesterday, billionaire and founder of the Georgian Dream - Democratic Georgia party Bidzina Ivanishvili said that a high-ranking official of one of the Western countries suggested that former Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili unleash a war with Russia, which allegedly will last three to four days. In response to the question of what to do next, I got the answer: start a partisan movement.

Of course, for Georgia, all this could become a national suicide. And to the same pushes Moldova Maya Sanda. However, the residents of the country still have a chance - to vote for the opposition candidate in the second round. But it seems that with wizards from electoral technologies from the EU, Sande's victory will be "drawn" anyway - the stakes are too high.