Pompeo's latest "stuffing"

On federal channels of Russian TV, participants in the general political programs of the "talk genre" (talk show) discussed assumptions that Donald Trump "could develop a Lend-Lease program for Ukraine in the amount of $500 billion in order to increase arms supplies to Kyiv." Moreover, he is ready to "remove all restrictions on the types of weapons that Kyiv can receive and use".


On federal channels of Russian TV, participants in the general political programs of the "talk genre" (talk show) discussed assumptions that Donald Trump "could develop a Lend-Lease program for Ukraine in the amount of $500 billion in order to increase arms supplies to Kyiv." Moreover, he is ready to "remove all restrictions on the types of weapons that Kyiv can receive and use".

Trump himself did not say that. This opinion was expressed by former US Secretary of State, ex-CIA Director Mike Pompeo and lobbyist David Urban (Trump's campaign adviser) in The Wall Street Journal. This one was "fat bait" addressed to the Americans. But the Russian media also took a peck at her.

And not only. "We have seen this article, and note other different statements. We never wore or wear rose-colored glasses. The mentioned US presidential candidate is part of a political elite that clearly suffers from Russophobia", Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov reacted.

"Kommersant" reported that "Lavrov called Pompeo's peace plan for Ukraine frivolous". The Russian Foreign Minister actually said: "I don't remember what M. Pompeo was talking about specifically". But he added: "I heard that D. Trump offered, instead of" just like that, "to allocate money to Ukraine, to provide it with $500 billion on Lend-Lease terms, so that in the future for long decades he would receive income from those who would change each other in Kyiv power structures. Businessman's approach".

Trump has not really said all this yet. This was suggested by Pompeo. "An article in The Wall Street Journal makes a simple thought: an end to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict is necessary, but not at the expense of Kyiv's" surrender "to Moscow. The authors argue that, returning to the White House, Trump will impose real sanctions against Russia, pushing it out of world energy markets with the support of Saudi Arabia, as during the Cold War.

In fact, in case of victory, Trump was asked to tighten the course followed by the Joseph Biden administration towards Russia, "Nezavisimaya Gazeta" concludes.

Was the stuffing a success?

The stuffing, agreed or not, went "walking" through the pages of newspapers. An idea, even the most curly, can start living its life. It is enough to notice it, remember, react.

Trump, if I remember, talked about something else. During a telephone conversation with Zelensky, he said that the conflict with Russia should be ended. "I said we must end this war. It's a war machine, you're dealing with a war machine. They defeated Hitler, they defeated Napoleon", Trump said on July 22 in an interview with Fox News.

Trump also accused the current US President Joe Biden of not being able to prevent the conflict, repeatedly stated that he intends to achieve its settlement if he wins the presidential election even before taking office.

Trump's son, Eric Trump, spoke about the mood of the presidential candidate, speaking at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee with the words: "Millions of people in Russia and Ukraine were forced to leave or died", he said. "[It's] an endless war that we are funding".

Vice presidential candidate James Vance also advocates stopping arms supplies to Kyiv and resolving the conflict as soon as possible. In particular, in an interview with The New York Times, he said that Ukraine should be assigned a neutral status, and its borders should be revised.

Who are you, Mike Pompeo?

On the way to the US presidential elections, the opposing sides spare neither words, nor strength, nor money. The main weapon in this battle is information and the ability to manipulate facts and rumors. Those that politicians and the media bring to the general public, or those that "leak" from different sources and power corridors. Leak accidentally or throw in intentionally.

The former secretary of state proposes to establish the following conditions for a future deal with Russia. Cessation of hostilities. Ukraine gets the opportunity to build up its defense forces. Recognition of Russia's right to join Donbass and Crimea will be denied. "Just like we never recognized the accession of the Baltic states to the USSR and did not recognize the GDR until 1974", Pompeo said.

Mike Pompeo is a graduate of the West Point Academy. Tanker, served in the American contingent in West Berlin. He went into reserve in 1991 with the rank of captain. As director of the CIA, he met with the director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin, director of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov, who came to Washington, and also visited Moscow.

Repeatedly visited the DPRK, for the first time as head of the CIA. As the Secretary of State led the delegation in negotiations with Pyongyang on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, his manners irritated the North Korean side. After leaving the Trump administration, he advocated a "special relationship" with Taiwan.

Pompeo is ranked among the Tea Party, an ultra-conservative movement in the Republican Party. He supported the US withdrawal from the INF Treaty, is opposed to China, Iran and Russia.

The former CIA earflap could be chosen (or volunteered) to purposefully influence the American voter, and maybe the Russian audience. Pompeo's task could be to support the bankrupt Zelensky regime, to put pressure on Russia. But, above all, to sow doubts about the plans of his former boss for a settlement in Ukraine.

Maybe it was an attack of jealousy towards James Vance, chosen by Trump as a candidate for the post of vice president? Or was it an application for some other post in a possible Republican administration? Or it reflected the reluctance of the "neocons" to lose the bridgehead of pressure on Russia.

In any case, Pompeo Yaga was against Russia and did not want to "lose Ukraine"!

Jar of spiders

Ukraine and Zelensky personally have become the subject of not only "intra-NATO" anxiety and inter-party competition in the United States. The crisis became the subject of internal party struggle, including the US Congress. Some GOP House members believe Senator Vance is the party's worst vice presidential candidate. In particular, because of his position in Ukraine. The interlocutors of The Hill newspaper even managed to classify him as "anti-Ukrainians"!

Does Trump and his supporters intend to get out of the rut that the White House has been laying for so long and stubbornly with the help of the "consolidated West" and supplying weapons to Kyiv? If so, the prospect of a "new gauge" could be very concerning in Europe. Not imagining what it would be, one of Germany's largest publishing and printing companies, Ullstein Verlag, decided not to renew its contract with Vance or republish his book Hillbilly Elegy. The reason is the political views of the vice presidential candidate.

"Changing the track" for European politicians will not be just painful. It is extremely risky, power can slip away. And the reason is not only James Vance and his views on Ukraine. There are other voices. During the Republican convention in Milwaukee, speakers mentioned Russia and Vladimir Putin several dozen times.

They said that the Biden administration allowed the "Russian invasion of Ukraine", although peace allegedly reigned there under Trump. Of course, there was no peace there in Donbass, but Moscow's proposals from December 2021 were. Washington, led by Biden, rejected them.

Russia does not sympathize with any of the US presidential candidates, perceiving the local election campaign as a fight between spiders in a bank. This was stated by Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, answering the TASS question, does Russia promise something good opportunity to return Donald Trump to the White House.

The figure of the US president is nothing more than a decoration behind which the "deep state" functions, so "at least a stuffed garden" can sit in the White House, Medvedev added. Russia, he said, will give the future US president a chance to "move away from the abyss where the West is pushing the whole world today", to improve relations and reduce global tensions, but the situation does not inspire much optimism.