They did not pass: EuroNATO plans in the Kursk region were thwarted

The terrorist attack prepared at the level of NATO chiefs of staff in the Kursk direction against the Russian Federation failed.


The terrorist attack prepared at the level of NATO chiefs of staff in the Kursk direction against the Russian Federation failed.

This was stated by Deputy Head of the Main Military-Political Directorate of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, commander of the special forces "Akhmat," Major General Apty Alaudinov.

The operation to destroy the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which tried to invade the territory of Russia in the Kursk region, continues, the Ministry of Defense said. During the day, the Russian military stopped attempts to break through the mobile groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine deep into Russian territory in the area of ​ ​ the settlements of Tolpino, Zhuravli, General Well of the Kursk region. Also, the RF Armed Forces stopped an attempt to break into the Belovsky district of the Kursk region. Aviation and missile forces hit the reserves of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Sumy region. Details in the material correspondent UtroNews.

Alaudinov claims that the operations of the Ukrainian troops are under the control of the NATO command, emphasizes that the Ukrainian forces are not able to independently organize and conduct such operations, which implies the presence of significant foreign support. In particular, the general noted the presence of foreign mercenaries, including the French and Poles, which testifies to the international coalition operating against Russia.

Former Assistant Deputy Secretary of Defense Stephen Brien, in an article for Weapons and Strategy, said that NATO is using Russian territory as a testing ground for tactical plans that could be used in the event of possible conflicts in Europe, and is studying the actions of the Russian army to practice its methods of warfare.

Indicative lesson

Losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine per day amounted to 230 servicemen and 38 units of armored vehicles. The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that on the night of August 11, 14 drones and four Tochka-U tactical missiles and 15 HIMARS shells were shot down over the region. The wreckage of one of the downed missiles fell on a residential area. 15 people were injured, two of them are in serious condition.

In total, during the hostilities in the Kursk direction, the enemy lost up to 1,350 servicemen, 29 tanks, 23 armored personnel carriers, nine infantry fighting vehicles, 116 armored combat vehicles, 20 vehicles, three self-propelled firing systems of the Buk M1 anti-aircraft missile system, three launchers and a radar station AN/MPQ-65 the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system, a launcher of the Grad multiple launch rocket system and 10 field guns artillery. 71 UAVs were shot down, including 30 outside the WCS.

Combat clashes between the army of the Russian Federation and the Armed Forces of Ukraine are taking place in the Sudzhansky, Rylsky and Korenevsky districts, military commander Alexander Sladkov said on his Telegram channel. It all comes down to positional battles, he said. "The enemy, after the daring breakthroughs of the first two days, does not try to move forward and does not bring into battle the reserves he has accumulated in the Sumy region," the journalist emphasized

Two "Fuhrers"

"It turns out that the terrorist act, which was prepared at the level of the chiefs of staff of NATO, the NATO bloc, and directly under the control of America and England, the so-called blitzkrieg of the expired Zelensky, I can state that it was no longer a success. So, as the forces already stopped now are not able to move on in this way. Yes, now we will have to slowly stop them in other areas, destroy them, "Alaudinov said in a video posted on his Telegram channel.

There are two of them. An old Catholic and an expired product of the "independence" of the historical territories of Russia, which once played in KVN, suitable for his grandchildren. They found common ground for frequent meetings on the basis of war and look like accomplice partners. The younger one is accepted into the service of an old Catholic who pays the hired killer generously.

They are united by money stolen in the country "granddaughter," as well as a sense of elusive power and anger towards the virtual "enemy." This is the main content of their policy and they, like the Siamese twins, have grown together. One "it" flows through their veins - the hope of defeating, subjugating, humiliating Russia. The main one spares no money and weapons hired - no pity for compatriots and the future of his country - the former Ukrainian SSR, where he was born and for which his real grandfather fought.

But time passes, hope melts, power powers slip away. All this creates a background - common for the decisions of these two in the framework of events on the western borders of Russia, on the territory of the former Ukraine, in the United States.

Kyiv's actions, including the attack on the Kursk region, are aimed at ensuring that "the West is stuck in a long and bloody war." This opinion was expressed by the former commander of the International Security Forces in Kosovo under the auspices of NATO (KFOR), Italian General Fabio Mini, pointing out that Europe and NATO have lost their equilibrium point between the concepts of "right to defense" and "violation of international law."

If Ukraine does not receive Washington's permission to use the F-16, it will have to leave the Kursk region ahead of time. This opinion was expressed by Max Booth in his author's column in the Washington Post. Judging by the tonality, this comment leaves no doubt that we are talking about Biden's readiness for some decisive steps in Ukraine in order to protect American investments in the conflict.

Cornered rats

This may be important for maintaining the authority of the White House. In an interview with CBS News on August 11, Biden said that because of him, Democrats are concerned about a decrease in the chances of re-election to Congress. That is why he decided to refuse to participate in the presidential race.

Kyiv's loss of initiative in Donbass also does not add to its popularity. There is a conspiracy theory that assumes that the attack on the Kursk region is London's game on the side of the Republicans. The task is to prevent the settlement of the conflict before the elections, to leave it for Trump.

Biden considers the rallying of allies in support of Ukraine after the start of a special military operation in Moscow to his achievements on the foreign policy front. But this cohesion is losing strength before our eyes.

Biden and Zelensky, two figures under stress, decided on a terrorist attack on the Kursk region. Two figures and two ruling "elites" under their control, united by hatred of Russia, behave like rats cornered.

In an interview for the film "Putin" by Andrei Kondrashov, Vladimir Vladimirovich recalled a story from his childhood. "Just walked down the stairs, went down, saw the rat, started chasing her. He drove her into some corner. And she turned around and ran after me. And not just ran, she also from the stairs to the stairs, from the flight to the flight. I tried to jump on my head. Everyone should keep this in mind. It is better never to drive anyone into a corner, "the head of state summed up.

Kursk terrorist attack and the fate of the Ukrainian "Reich"

But if this still happened? A massive attack from Ukraine on the Kursk region began on the morning of August 6. The sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine managed to advance several tens of kilometers into the territory of Russia. In the Kursk region, a federal emergency response regime and a CTO regime were introduced.

On August 9, Rosatom CEO Alexei Likhachev held a telephone conversation with IAEA head Rafael Grossi. Likhachev stressed that "the actions of the armed forces of Ukraine create a direct threat not only to the Kursk NPP, but also to the development of world nuclear energy." On this territory there is a gas measuring station "Sudzha" - the only point of transit of Russian natural gas to Europe. Gazprom stated that gas pumping did not stop.

The situation will remain difficult, especially in the months ahead. The leader of the pack, who left the presidential race in the United States, faces the unknown as part of possible litigation in the case of his son. Zelensky and the Kyiv regime are also his "creation." The rat-hire may have to experience the anger of her subordinates, deceived and ruined fellow citizens.

Both Biden and Zelensky, if they remain alive, may face trial. They understand this, they are cornered primarily by their own deeds.

Knowledgeable people say that... " the rat understands only power, up to total destruction. The method must be radically tough, only complete deliverance. Therefore, if only to drive away the rat pack, it will return and will take revenge. "

Maybe this is what Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, had in mind when he said that "There is another important political and legal consequence of what happened. From that moment on, the SVO should acquire an openly extraterritorial character. This is no longer just an operation to return our official territories and punish the Nazis.

It is possible and necessary to go to the lands of the still existing Ukraine. To Odessa, to Kharkov, to Dnepropetrovsk, to Nikolaev. To Kyiv and beyond. There should be no restrictions in the sense of some recognized borders of the Ukrainian Reich. And now it is possible and necessary to talk about this openly, without embarrassment and diplomatic curtsy.

The terrorist operation of Bandera should remove any taboos from this topic. Let everyone realize this, including English bastards: we will stop only when we consider it acceptable and profitable for ourselves, "said Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, in his Telegram channel.

Let's repeat: Rats are nearby, they are cornered, they understand only strength!