"Toxic" issue of Ukrainian divers

The administration of US President Joe Biden continues to lie, hoping to help Vice President Kamala Harris maintain voter confidence. It turns out that the "Northern Streams" blew up Ukrainian amateur divers, and Washington asked not to do this.


The administration of US President Joe Biden continues to lie, hoping to help Vice President Kamala Harris maintain voter confidence. It turns out that the "Northern Streams" blew up Ukrainian amateur divers, and Washington asked not to do this.

The CIA was unaware of the plans for the APU to invade the Kursk region, and the White House "continues to refuse" Zelensky permission to hit ATACMS missiles at targets deep in Russian territory.

Lying is a sign of weakness, hope to evade responsibility, a desire to save face in the eyes of voters. Most Americans did not even hear about the actions of Biden's henchmen in Ukraine, or the corruption ties of his family with the Kyiv authorities, as well as the billions of dollars spent on aid to Ukraine. Details in the material of the correspondent UtroNews.

What can be done?

Six months later, in February 2024, the Quincy Institute and Harris Poll interviewed 2,090 American adults about the conflict. But what are two thousand adults on the scale of the United States with a population of 335 million inhabitants?

Americans do not know what is really happening in the world, said Tucker Carlson. The media, under pressure from the government, gloss over the truth. One of the striking examples is the course of the conflict in Ukraine.

Then, in February, 69% of those surveyed said that Washington should insist on an early start of negotiations to resolve the conflict. Only 11% of respondents said that Kyiv should continue to fight.

What can be done in the internet age to make a mass American voter feel that the Zelensky regime is emitting "the smell of almonds"?

Can Americans graphically imagine that Ukraine is a real threat to their vital interests? And if we assume that this goal is achievable, then how can this affect the course and results of the presidential elections?

It is already clear that a gang of ukronacists poses a mortal threat to their own citizens. Maybe tell with the help of an Internet photo report that men in Ukraine are caught by force and forced to die in the trenches?

That convinced militants serve in barrage formations or invade the border regions of Russia - Belgorod, Kursk, Bryansk. To kill civilians. That they and their Western mercenaries are outlawing themselves like international terrorists? What do American armored cars and weapons, as well as space reconnaissance data, use in this? Finally, to ask what all this gives Americans? Or, is it taking away from them?

"Meddling" could help

The task is not an easy one: How to arrange in such a way as to make Washington's support for the bloody Kyiv regime a "toxic issue" of the election race? This is unlikely to happen without outside influence, and in this case, such "intervention" could be timely.

Zelensky is dirt and infection. The American public deserves to be told about it in detail, 24/7. Let rival candidates launder from any associations with the Kyiv regime and, especially, with Zelensky.

The first thing that comes to mind is to ask Tucker Carlson to come to Moscow again and talk with Vladimir Putin! Or ask for help from Elon Musk? You can call Scott Ritter, but he may not be released by the US authorities.

By the way, in connection with the situation in the Kursk region, this former intelligence officer and ex-UN inspector accused NATO countries of invading Russian territory. If this opinion is accepted, then "external participation" in the terrorist attack on Russia requires other "answers" from Moscow. Those that lie outside the information space.

Harris "at a fork in the road..."

There is progress in the information space. But they were initiated rather by the West, and not out of good intentions. Rather, influenced by an alarming sense of suspense. So, with reference to British sources, it is reported that "Harris's victory in the elections could turn out badly for Ukraine," said an "unnamed former aide" to President Biden.

The nature of Kamala Harris's relationship with Zelensky is being questioned, the Telegraph newspaper reported. The chance she allegedly had to establish an "appropriate relationship" was missed, her approach to the Ukrainian conflict called "uncertain." For confirmation of the assessment, the British went to the Cato Institute, where Doug Bandow, a former special assistant to ex-President Reagan, works. He said that "Harris is not sufficiently involved in the topic of events in Ukraine."

The newspaper notes that if Harris wins, then her relationship with Zelensky will definitely not be "simple." Interviewed experts believe that Harris may abandon Biden's policy in the Ukrainian direction. For the corrupt Biden, Zelensky was and remains almost an adopted, expensive dependent stepson.

… and Trump on "thin ice"

But ex-US President Donald Trump himself has a reputation "not very" in the sense that he himself does not have confidence in his plans for Ukraine. Some Russian observers were under the impression that Trump was "withdrawing his peace plan."

The argument given is an interview with Elon Musk. It allegedly disappeared the provision that Trump "will end the conflict in Ukraine in 24 hours." Perhaps this statement once affected someone as "serious," but not many. This is America, there and not so promise, "to remember."

"But in an interview with Musk, Trump did not utter a word of his plans to quickly make peace in Ukraine," continues Kirill Strelnikov. And Trump also did not say about the termination of aid to Ukraine, although he had promised before. True, "intends to make Europeans pay more for Ukraine."

"But the main thing," says Strelnikov, "Trump did not mention a word about the terrorist sortie of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kursk region, and even more so did not condemn its organizers and inspirers"! It should be added that Trump did not speak about NATO in an interview with Elon Musk either. And about the sortie and the Pentagon "did not know."

In general, the ex-president's "grandiose peace plans" were rebuffed! If the guess is correct that Trump is "merging" his peace plan, then this runs counter to the interests of Russia and its BRICS partners. And the question is, is this topic "plum" worth pedaling, as Strelnikov does?

Check without trusting

Rather, it is important how to influence Trump's position on Ukraine in the interests of resolving the conflict? And not the Ukrainian crisis, but the conflict in relations between the Russian Federation and the United States?

Unlike the Harris team, Trump's advisers stand on the fact that the ex-president intends to "save" America and the whole world from the nuclear catastrophe, to which Biden brought everyone closer. Trump in this regard is proud not only of "relations" with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping, but also with the head of the DPRK.

Ukraine, although without nuclear missiles, creates real problems for sustainable and reasonable relations along the line of strategic "contact" between the United States and Russia, East and West. Trump also spoke about this ("at the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, Biden is to blame"). As always, not without exaggeration ("settle in 24 hours").

There is no doubt that on Ukraine issues, Trump will be influenced by the "deep state," and Europe, and the Ukrainian lobby in the United States itself. What all this will lead to if the ex-president returns to the Oval Office, so far no one knows for sure. The game goes on.

According to the Financial Times, the West will put pressure on Kyiv, calling for an end to the conflict, even if Trump loses the election and does not become president. Meanwhile, Republican James Vance, a candidate for vice president of the United States, said that Americans should not trust Kamala Harris to negotiate with the Russian president or the chairman of the PRC.

At a meeting with the leadership of the Foreign Ministry on June 14, Vladimir Putin named the conditions for resolving the situation in Ukraine. Among them are the withdrawal of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from Donbass and Novorossiya, Kyiv's refusal to join NATO. In addition, Russia considers it necessary to lift all Western sanctions against it and establish Ukraine's non-aligned and nuclear-free status. Kyiv rejected the Russian peace plan. After the massive attack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the Kursk region, which began on August 6, the Russian leader said that negotiations with the government attacking civilians were pointless.