"Troubled" Alliance of Joe Biden and the wife of the Secretary General

How "half-dead" Joe "revitalized" the North Atlantic Alliance.


How "half-dead" Joe "revitalized" the North Atlantic Alliance.

In Washington, the next NATO summit ends - the 75th in a row. Participants unveiled a joint declaration following the alliance summit. The document includes statements regarding relations with Russia, as well as the future of Ukraine on the way to membership in the association.

Details - in the material of the correspondent of The Moscow Post.

As expected, there are no "breakthrough" moments there - all the same mantras about the need to support Ukraine to the end (apparently, to its own), allegedly unwillingness to conflict with Russia - and at the same time full of obvious and veiled threats to the Russian Federation and the PRC.

The most ridiculous wording was the expression that Kyiv is "on an irreversible path" to joining NATO. The incredible progress that Ukraine has made since the NATO summit in Vilnius in 2023 is noted. What this progress is is not clear. Apparently, they consider the number of dead citizens from Ukraine and from Russia, the destruction of the Ukrainian infrastructure and the unlimited rampant "people" from the Ukrainian analogues of "military registration and enlistment offices" - territorial acquisition centers (TCC).

Ukraine has no other signs of preparations for joining NATO.

Among other things, a new support package for Ukraine of 40 billion euros has been announced as the minimum basic funding. Members of the delegations of the participating countries also agreed to ensure a sustainable level of security assistance - the wording is as wide as possible.

At the same time, Ukraine was promised to transfer several more air defense systems. The Kyiv regime has tried to make the most of the recent missile attacks on Ukrainian military facilities in its favor. As you know, one of the Ukrainian air defense missiles damaged a building standing next to the Okhmatdet children's hospital. There were no casualties among the children, but, of course, Russia was accused of this. However, Zelensky did not succeed in the second full-fledged media "Buchi".

The main threats to the Alliance were called Russia and China. Moreover, the PRC - in rather harsh terms. In response, the PRC opposed the mention of its country in NATO documents as a "threat" and called on the Alliance to stop making unfounded accusations. The Chinese Embassy in Washington stressed that China is not an initiator or accomplice in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

At the same time, the outgoing head of the Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, openly announced his intention to support the opponents of the PRC. Who exactly, did not name, but it is obvious that we are talking, first of all, about the separatist authorities of Taiwan, where, thanks to the efforts of NATO, a military conflict can flare up.

The frontman (rather sluggish, I must say) of the meeting was US President Joe Biden, who needed to present the results of his work as president to strengthen the Alliance. He did it - according to him, it was he who breathed new life into the fading military bloc. And also "stopped Putin". Who would doubt!

The most striking moment of the speech was the reservation of the elderly politician that he allegedly was in a very close relationship with the wife of NATO head Jens Stoltenberg. The situation was so awkward that Biden had to immediately apologize to chuckles in the hall. Stoltenberg himself could hardly restrain the awkward grin.

The reservation caused new disputes about the legal capacity of Joe Biden, who is running for a second presidential term. This became a key topic after discussing NATO affairs themselves - to the obvious displeasure of Volodymyr Zelensky, who again expected to be in the spotlight.

In fact, he was again given to understand that Ukraine would be used as a ram against Russia, but membership in the Alliance in the coming decades is out of the question.

Make it to Trump

In Kyiv, they understand that they are only a tool in the wrong hands. Several insiders say at once that the parties to the conflict - meaning Russia and NATO, as well as China and a number of other neutral players, have already begun consultations on a possible peace agreement and a new architecture of European security.

Realizing that they would decide without Ukraine, the Office of Volodymyr Zelensky started talking about a new "peace summit" of the Swiss type, only with the participation of Russia. Allegedly, they want to hold it before November, i.e. before the US presidential elections, because after them the vector of actions of the American side may become little predictable in connection with the alleged victory of Donald Trump.

Russia is not going to participate in events like the Ukrainian peace summits, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin said, commenting on these plans: "We are not acceptable for such ultimatums and we are not going to participate in such" summits".

According to him, with the content of such an event "everything is extremely clear". There will sound "the previous rhetoric in a futile calculation of pushing through the absolutely dead-end and ultimatum" formula "of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and" other settlement initiatives "will be ignored.

The initiatives probably meant the proposals of Russia and China, which were indirectly supported by India and a number of other countries. As for our former Western partners, they have no other formulas other than Zelensky's "wishlist" for us (yet).