What americans are talking about

Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Chairman of United Russia Dmitry Medvedev sees a lot of ridiculous in the political life of the United States, but calls for respect for American traditions. "They don't like something there", said the chairman of United Russia at a meeting with the heads of the executive committees of its regional branches, the УтроNews correspondent reports.


Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Chairman of United Russia Dmitry Medvedev sees a lot of ridiculous in the political life of the United States, but calls for respect for American traditions. "They don't like something there", said the chairman of United Russia at a meeting with the heads of the executive committees of its regional branches, the УтроNews correspondent reports.

The pre-election situation in the United States attracts the attention of the Russian media. It may even be too big, given that these materials are designed for the Russian consumer. And we, thank God, are not in America. But despite the flood of news, publications and views on the state of affairs in the American election campaign, some important details elude us.

And not only from Russian analysts and observers. US citizens themselves are overwhelmingly left in the dark. Although among them there are many who check the facts, offer their assessments, often not coinciding with official statements, especially election promises.

The economy is in decline

For example, US President Joe Biden, speaking in Chicago last June, spoke about the success of the US economy, calling it "bidenomics, which is the future". Biden's economic course was then approved by only every third voter. One of the reasons is the record inflation rate over the past 40 years.

The country entered recession in the first quarter of 2022 and remained in recession until the second quarter of 2024. In only three of those ten quarters did adjusted real GDP grow (and in one case, growth was insignificant), and in none of these cases did it grow for several quarters in a row. Since 2019, aggregate inflation has been underestimated by the authorities by almost half, and aggregate growth over five years has been overstated by 15%.

A year later, in a column for the parliamentary publication The Hill, Chris Talgo, director of the Heartland Institute think tank, said that 78% of citizens live paycheck to paycheck. About one in three households cannot cover mandatory payments and running costs. According to Bloomberg, income inequality under President Biden has grown to record levels.

In the second year of his presidency, the US share in the global economy at the end of 2023 was 14.82%. According to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, this share will drop to 14.76% by the end of this year. In 1990, the US contribution to world GDP, calculated at purchasing power parity, was 20.16%, in 1999 - 21%.

Global industrial production is shifting towards the BRICS countries, including, first of all, China and India. US exports are increasingly becoming raw materials. In 2024, the basis of exports will be oil ($129.7 billion), oil products ($121 billion), natural gas ($60 billion). Civilian aircraft ($129.8 billion) and passenger cars ($60.7 billion) account for significantly less revenue than energy raw materials.

After the 2008 financial crisis, former IMF chief economist Simon Johnson warned that the United States was entrenched in the same ineffective policies that he observed in the "banana republics".

He cited figures: from 1973 to 1985, America's financial sector never earned more than 16% of the domestic corporate product. But by the early 2000s, he was earning 41%.

The American financial system has actually seized power and will save itself until it runs out of money, said Peter Saint-Onge, an economist and researcher at the Mises Institute.

"The common thread is that you taxpayers will be bailing them out - we saw that in 2023 when banks were getting help paid for in advance blindly. Of course, given our $35 trillion national debt, we can't afford it.

At some point, the debt becomes too much to salvage. This means either a hard default - they stop paying interest. Or, more likely, a soft default - they trigger inflation that eats up the national debt along with our savings. And between these two options there is a massive robbery of the middle class and the working class", Saint-Onge predicts.

Civil liberties in question...

It's about people's freedom to know the truth. Hillary Clinton floated the idea of criminal penalties for spreading "misinformation". Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called for "reining in the media environment" so people can't just "pour out information".

Journalist Mark Stein was forced to pay $1 million as a "fine" for mocking a climate scientist, comparing him to convicted child molester Jerry Sandusky. The plaintiff's lawyer called on the jury to punish the journalist to show that there is no denying the consequences of "climate change".

As former US Secretary of State John Kerry explained, speaking at the World Economic Forum, the country lacks censorship over the spread of "disinformation" on social networks. He called for "winning the right to govern" in order to "freely make changes", despite the "serious obstacle" in the form of the First Amendment to the US Constitution. He added that Democrats need to win elections so that they have the opportunity to "implement change".

"That's right, how much you can pretend", Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote on her Telegram channel about Kerry's statement. According to the first amendment to the US Constitution, the American Congress has no right to encroach on freedom of speech and freedom of the press, among other things. The purpose of all this, as the Americans themselves say, is to establish control over the population, subordinating public life to the goals of protecting the state from dissenting resistance.

…and elective law, even more so

November's presidential election will be the last if GOP candidate Donald Trump loses. This statement was made on the social network by billionaire Elon Musk.

Musk supported Donald Trump and allocated at least $75 million to his political committee, data from the Federal Election Commission say. From July to September, Musk is said to have been the only one funding the committee's work.

The committee has stepped up campaigning in support of Trump in parts of swing states in which the two competing parties do not have a clear advantage. Trump admitted that, if he wins, he will bring Musk into the administration.

The politics of the Democratic Party threaten democracy, Musk said.

"Very few Americans understand that if Trump is not elected, this will be the last election. Far from being a threat to democracy, it has become its last hope of salvation!" Musk wrote.

Indeed, states like California are shifting to one-party rule while dominating the electorate of appropriate sentiment. These moods change for various reasons and reasons. The state's Democratic governor, Gavin Newsom, signed a law on Sept. 29 prohibiting local governments from requiring citizens "identification to vote.

Musk commented on the adopted law: "They just made illegal actions, preventing election fraud. The Joker runs everything", wrote a billionaire who supports Donald Trump.

California is one of 14 states that does not require voter ID for elections, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Democrats' migration policy

According to the entrepreneur, the current electoral system is threatened by the migration policy of the Democrats, who allow millions of illegal immigrants to arrive in the country and obtain American citizenship.

"If even 1 in 20 illegals become a citizen a year - which is what Democrats are achieving in every way possible - then in four years it will be about 2 million new voters. At the same time, the difference in votes in fluctuating states often does not exceed 20 thousand votes. This means that if the Democrats succeed, there will be no more fluctuating states", Musk explained.

Moreover, the current administration, led by Biden and Harris, is redirecting "asylum seekers" to swing states such as Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, Arizona to win elections there.

"America will become a one-party country and democracy will come to an end. Only one election will remain - the Democratic primary. This already happened in California years ago as a result of the 1986 amnesty. The only thing keeping California from slipping into extreme socialism and the stifling policies of the authorities is that people can leave the state but still stay in America. When the whole country is controlled by one party, there will be nowhere else to run. Everywhere in America will be the same nightmare as in downtown San Francisco", Musk suggested.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden also suggested that the presidential election will be peaceful. "I'm sure they [the election] will be free and fair. But I don't know if they will be peaceful", he said, answering questions from journalists at the White House.

"They don't like something there", said Dmitry Medvedev. The only thing missing is a question mark.