Zakharova responded to the boorish statement of the Prime Minister of Lithuania: the mind of Ingrida Shimonite is second only to her femininity

Today the next briefing of the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova took place.


Today the next briefing of the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova took place.

Traditionally, The Moscow Post also had the opportunity to ask its questions.

The first question concerned the public insult of Russians by the Prime Minister of Lithuania during the congratulations of the head of the Kyiv regime Zelensky on the Independence Day of Ukraine. She called the Russians "Rusnya." What could be the answer from the Russian Foreign Ministry?

As a joke, Maria Vladimirovna asked our correspondent: "Do you delegate me the reciprocal right to respond to an insult?"

And then she turned to a serious answer: "After I read the phrase you mentioned. I realized that Ingrida Shimonita's mind was second only to her femininity. "

Recall that on August 24, Zakharova has already commented on Shimonite's boorish and offensive statements.

"Nazis," - thus, the representative of the Foreign Ministry reacted to rudeness.

Was the second question about assessing Kamala Harris and Donald Trump's view of military aid to Ukraine and Israel?

It seems to me, she noted, we should not comment on the pre-election debates of candidates, we understand that one of the candidates is a representative of the current administration in the United States.

Still, it is useless to comment on each statement, including because they do not bear any responsibility for them now and can change them every day, and sometimes even several times a day.

If, in principle, to conduct such a political, so to speak, review, then it seems to me on the topic of Israel, judging by the public statements of candidates for the presidency of the United States from both parties, Washington as a whole intends to continue the line of supporting him, the details of American policy are determined by the results of the elections, but this is what can be judged by programs or a program statement.

She also commented on the topic of providing assistance to the Kyiv regime and citizens of Ukraine.

Assistance is provided solely for the purpose of applying a strategic position to Russia. Since "Ukraine is interested in Washington only in one capacity, as an instrument of influence on our country, one cannot expect a deviation from the main Russophobic vector either."

Today, anti-Russian sentiments remain in the States and will only intensify both among legislators and in executive structures.

The collective West seeks to resolve the Russian issue, she stated.

The abolition of culture is literally marginalization, stigmatization of the entire Russian Russian persecution, for language, for faith not only Orthodox, Christian, but also an attempt to push representatives of different faiths and religions, so to speak, Zakharova emphasized.

In addition, she stressed that the West actively supports the terrorist activities of the Kyiv regime. She also added that Moscow sees how ideologically Western countries have been using Nazi attitudes for the past few years.

Maria Vladimirovna noted that such approaches have historically been made and suffered a fiasco.

"Ukraine and its citizens, as before, will be used by Washington, regardless of the change of administration in the White House, as a cheap tool," she stated.

"I think that thinking people in America understand, although, as a rule, they find the courage to admit that the goals of the task of special military operations will be fully implemented," added Maria Zakharova.

She also advised American citizens to "unite on the principle of how anti-fascists united during World War II."