Zakharova: UN Security Council statements are provocative and form an atmosphere of toxicity

Today the next briefing of the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova took place.


Today the next briefing of the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova took place.

Traditionally, The Moscow Post also had the opportunity to ask its questions.

Our correspondent asked a question that concerned the dialogue between Russia and Belarus, as well as Russia and the states of Central Asia on the assessment of the Soviet past and its reflection in school textbooks?

"Of course, yes," Maria Zakharova replied.

This dialogue is active, the diplomat continued, unlike many countries where either the initiation or signing of new versions of history is observed. She added that Belarus has always shown a careful attitude to its common history and cultural and spiritual traditions.

Our fraternal peoples are united by many kinship and friendship, the memory of valiant ancestors, as well as a common past and future; we are the closest allies and strategic partners, Maria Vladimirovna emphasized.

In addition, Minsk and Moscow have a Union State, with which we are consistently developing trade, economic and humanitarian ties.

On behalf of the presidents of Russia and Belarus, in recent years, historians of both countries have been actively cooperating in preserving common historical memory and combating falsification of history, especially in the context of the genocide of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War.

At the end of January, under the auspices of the governments of both countries, a joint Russian-Belarusian commission on history was created, the purpose of which is to coordinate efforts to protect historical truth, including in educational materials. This collaboration includes the creation of an expert advisory council on history, as well as the development of textbooks for schoolchildren and students on joint history.

At the beginning of the year, the presidents of Russia and Belarus opened a new memorial complex dedicated to civilians of the Soviet Union in the Gatchina district of the Leningrad region, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the lifting of the blockade of Leningrad.

The Union State is also actively working, in particular its secretariat, where Dmitry Fedorovich Mezentsev played a special role, who over the past year has presented many events, books and online projects, which has become a significant contribution to the preservation of our common historical memory.

She stressed that Moscow intends to continue joint efforts with Minsk in the historical direction. Russia is open for dialogue with all interested, but cooperation with Belarus can be considered exemplary. We are open to constructive engagement with both allies and colleagues from other countries, even if they have been reactionary in the past.

Issues of historical memory are among the topics of bilateral relations that are discussed in the framework of contacts between the ministries of foreign affairs, as well as at a high level - we are actively working with representatives of Central Asia.

"We consider it our duty, not just functional duties or part of the profession, but our duty to preserve historical memory and do everything to popularize it in an international context."

The second question concerned the outcome of the Quartet summit (QUAD)? In particular, a proposal to reform the UN Security Council?

Such events leave dual impressions, Zakharova noted.

We see how narrow-group mechanisms are being created under the roof of information that run counter to the regional architecture that has developed around ASEAN - wise, thoughtful, effective, pragmatic, meeting the interests of the peoples of the countries that live there. In addition, ASEAN has been associated with Russia for about three decades of partnership, and the decisions that are made by QUAD, actions, steps do not often simply run counter to the traditions that have been established there.

The principles of separate work of this kind and the structure of the military military-technical dimension, and in general in the field of security, objectively conflict with the vector that has emerged today on the Asian junior stage, which presupposes the progressive formation of a wide seamless space for peaceful and positive development.

Creative development, it is this philosophy that determines the constructive, creative nature of the activities of such subjects in international relations, such as, for example, Greater Eurasia, the SCO, as well as ASEAN.

Russia stands and does this consistently, for a verified reform of the Security Council in order to adapt this most important body to modern realities, including the growing trends towards the formation of a multipolar world.

At the same time, performance is not lost, maintaining this structure in order for it to be effective. When it does not remain without a more representative democratic character, it will become a significant contribution to efforts to build a fair and sustainable system of international relations.

"As for the statements of the leaders following the summit, I have already briefly mentioned this in terms of reforms. But these statements, though vague, underscore the urgent need to rebuild the Security Council by expanding in both categories - both permanent and non-permanent. Separately, the desire to allocate a permanent chair to the countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America is indicated, "Zakharova emphasized.

At the same time, Zakharova noted that QUAD includes Japan and India, which claims to be permanently registered with the Security Council, and two other members of the association - the United States and Australia - unequivocally support the corresponding ambitions, including what is happening in Berlin

Thus, QUAD, with the exception of India, advocates an increase in the representation in the Security Council not only of the countries of the world majority, but also of Western states.

But what about Japan, this state, it seems, is not Western? Japan is completely subordinate to the Western will, since there are American military bases on its territory and there is an American political structure planted in the country. Thus, the Americans in Tokyo are in complete control of the situation.

Maria Vladimirovna explained: "We believe that the task of increasing the effectiveness of the Security Council should meet exclusively the strategy of the global South. We especially highlight Brazil and India as natural contenders for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council. "

She continued: "We stress the need to overcome historical injustices against the African continent within parameters agreed by the people of Africa themselves. The provision of additional seats to Western countries is out of the question at all. "

"I will say more: the question arises if three countries in the Security Council are included in the same military bloc with a command and administrative system, where decisions of a military-political nature relate to security issues, what does the structure do, perceived by the will of one owner - the United States?," 'the diplomat wondered.

They occupy three places, raise three hands, but at the same time the decision is formed for them within these Euro-Atlantic institutions, in particular NATO, so that they have no right to change it and take other positions. On the vast majority of issues, they vote the same way, and try, do not vote.

Western countries are generally represented in the Council, especially in its permanent composition. Moreover, you need to constantly emphasize that they adhere to identical positions. But the word "solidarity" does not fit here.

Solidarity involves independence in the development and decision-making when you support something for various reasons. But it's a free choice. You see scandal after scandal, when countries coming to NATO events find out only at the meeting what they have to vote for, because the decision has already been made for them.

All these decisions are formed either in Washington or in Brussels as NATO headquarters, where, again, everything is managed by the Americans. The claims of Germany and Japan to obtain a permanent residence permit in this body are absolutely groundless, and they will not receive support from Russia.

"I think hence the endless talk about, let's decide, deprive Russia of the veto, let's revise the story. We hear these statements that are pushed through the Kyiv regime or are heard from the aggressive part of NATO, "the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said.

Our goal is to develop a reform scheme that would receive the approval of all member states, or at least their overwhelming majority. This means that artificial deadlines in this multilateral and fateful issue for all mankind are unacceptable, Zakharova added.

The rush risks not only a decline in the authority of the Security Council, but also a split among United Nations Member States.

She noted the need to recognize that participants in relevant intergovernmental negotiations that have been taking place in New York since 2009 are still far from developing universal solutions. Therefore, against this background, we do not see alternatives to continuing the discussion.

They must be patient and mutually respectful at the site of intergovernmental negotiations aimed at updating positions on all aspects of future transformations.

But these statements are provocative in nature and have an understandable engine, forming an atmosphere of toxicity. They are propaganda and again throw a stone into our country. "Everything is already clear here," concluded Maria Vladimirovna.