Separately expenses of the Granel company behind which there are interests of family of the prime minister of Bashkiria Andrei Nazarov disputed issues with officials go for "to work out" certain multimillion sums?
The pack of documents - the memos with an emblem of Graneli addressed to the president of group of companies - to the son-in-law the prime minister of Bashkiria Andrei Nazarov Ilshatu Nigmatullina came to the editorial office UtroNews that already passes for today the person involved in criminal case about bribery. In documents it is about need to allocate the additional amounts on a number of the projects of the builder including connected with delivery of some objects. Formulations sometimes so ambiguously sound what suggest an idea, but whether it is about bribes?
Let's remind, earlier during own investigation the editorial office UtroNews found at least three companies builders concerning a division of Granel Group which were lit in very muddy financial and tax schemes. After firm were driven into debts to authorized representatives and are quickly merged including through the subsequent bankruptcy. In detail we told about it in last material.
At the same time it is important to remind that for today the top manager of Graneli Dmitry Adushev whose family is also connected with beneficiaries of group and also Ilshat Nigmatullin pass persons involved under the article about a bribe. It was reported that allegedly they tried to work out some questions with FTS.
Granite somersault
In a pack of documents that came to the editorial office UtroNews, one of objects which builder we also contacted during own investigation - LLC Specialized Builder Granel Granit which in August, 2023 is quickly renamed into LLC Grafit is among other things mentioned just.
So, if to trust the certain memo of 30.09.2022 written addressed to Nigmatullin by the first vice president Safuat Azibayev, then 1 million rubles for payment of a certain service are required. Also it is specified that within the agreement of MAIP No. 343 of 28.11.2019 and the additional agreement of 2020 four land plots for placement of multihome concerts and other objects, including parkings - initially 695 places were allocated to LLC SZ Granel Granit without tendering.
It is about Reutov whose imperious top flashed in the investigations connected with land frauds and, respectively, ZhK "Raut" more than once.
Judging by the document, in general it turned out that Granel is not able to close full need of inhabitants for parkings therefore the agreement with administration of Reutov on additional parkings near October St. was required. Increase in number of parkings in this place with 176 to 495 was also estimated at 1 million rubles which, probably, will pay the additional agreement with the local mayor's office. And then the requirement of MAIP according to which Graneli was allocated by sites without the auction will be observed. The fact is that in case of non-compliance with conditions of MAIP, участочки and can withdraw from the builder whether you know.

Photo: provided by the informant of UtroNews
And now we will remind: ZhK "Raut" in the form of three cases of a business class on 1086 apartments, judging by data of the website of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation, was handed over with delays in 2022. The company builder appeared in the center of the interesting scheme.

Photo: ours. house. Russian Federation
Having sold out very expensive apartments, LLC SZ Granel Granit begins to show tax very strange results: in 2019-2021 the revenue was not at all, and for 2022 revenue - only 942.28 million rubles at net profit a little more than 0.5 billion rubles, in 2023 revenue - 169.131 million rubles at cheap profit. At the same time, if to compare with prices for apartments in ZhK, then the firm had to gain billions. Interesting deal, isn't it?
Further - it is more.
In reports of the company there are data on what appears, the company also on credit billions distributed (in detail the sums are specified in last material).
And there is a wish to ask, so money was withdrawn from the problem builder? Along with it accounts payable also were found in it: on lines loans, the credits, other and settlings with suppliers and contractors by 2022 3.5 billion rubles, and by 2023 - 1.4 billion rubles are specified. Not bad such somersault financial.

The contractor of the Reut residential complex was StroyConsultGroup LLC Vladimir Polin, a longtime partner of Graneli, who also appeared in the tax scheme, which was disclosed by the tax authorities.
Since 2023, SZ Granel Granit LLC changed its name to Grafit LLC and was safely withdrawn from the Graneli division, transferring it to a certain Inna Erkina, who received a TIN in Bashkiria. She was also the director of Stroymonolit LLC Ildar Senzhapov, who led a whole pack of legal entities from the Graneli division. That is, Yerkin is far from a stranger to Nigmatullin's company and his relatives.

Note that in the biography of LLC "Grafit" inherited a certain LLC "Thaler," which was previously called LLC "Granel" and was the developer of the residential complex "Imperial Mytishchi," which was also handed over with delays. Moreover, Thaler LLC, according to a similar scheme, was taken out of the division and went bankrupt. And among the creditors of the company, companies with connections with Graneli's beneficiaries suddenly surfaced. A kind of controlled bankruptcy with a legal withdrawal of money? The Moscow Post spoke in detail about the scheme.
Problems on Gazholderna solved for a ringing coin?
The documents received by the editorial office also mention the Graneli object on the street. Gazholdernaya and it is specified that for a positive solution to the issue as a whole, 30 million rubles are needed. There the division was built by the Profit residential complex and its developer was Granel Grad Specialized Developer LLC. The contractor was the same company of the aforementioned Vladimir Polin.

Photo: provided by informant UtroNews

Photo: provided by informant UtroNews
As UtroNews previously told, about six months after the commissioning of the Profit residential complex, the developer was hastily sold to a trustee close to Dmitry Adushev (a person involved in a criminal case on the tax line), and renamed Grad LLC.
Then the company became a defendant in claims for the recovery of more than 346 million rubles from it. The creditors were affiliated with the division, including LLC Yuveko (liquidated in April 2023), LLC Granel Realty, and LLC Granel, which later became LLC Thaler. In general, the developer of the Profit residential complex found itself with a creditor debt of 6.5 billion rubles. How do you like such a horse move?

The new owner of Grad LLC was Reshat Zagidullin, director of Adushev's company Yu-Stroy LLC and Moscow Stone Processing Plant JSC. The shareholder of the latter at the beginning of 2023 was the son of the Prime Minister of Bashkiria, Andrei Nazarov, Denis.
Also in Yu-Stroy LLC, one of the owners was Investgroup LLC, associated with Granel, which was mentioned in the history of the transfer of the former Kuzminskoye state-owned enterprise into the hands of the division. The Moscow Post spoke about this scandal in detail.
Let's move on.
Spherical History and Bearing Interest
In one of the documents, Nigmattulin is asked to agree on the allocation of 2.5 million rubles in order to register an additional agreement on the change of party to the land lease agreement at LLC SZ Granel-Sfera in connection with the refusal of the Moscow State Institute of Civil Engineering due to the presence of an act confirming the suppression of illegal use of the site. There is a note that we are talking about GIN Silikatny passage.

Photo: provided by informant UtroNews
LLC SZ "Granel-Sphere" was established in 2021 and by the end of 2023 showed a loss of 151 million rubles.
The company is still controlled by the division, legally it is owned by GK Granel Nigmatullina LLC and Sberbank's subsidiary, Sberbank Investments LLC, has a small slice. Actually, the share of the main owner is pledged to Sberbank, which probably credits the project on Silikatny. The pledge agreement was executed in August 2023.

The document may refer to the residential complex MYPRIORITY Presnya in 1st Silicate passage, 13, under which it was planned to allocate 6.9 hectares. According to it, some open areas have an interesting mark - the deadline is being specified. That is, when they hand over it is not clear, but the interest holders carry the money, we are glad to them, so it turns out?
But these are not all projects that fell into the sample.
So, for example, a service for deregistration of the object of the Ministry of Emergencies, which stands on the lands desired for Graneli on the street. Sharikopodshipnikovskaya, 11 was estimated at 13 million rubles. It turns out that this object impedes the construction of the first stage of the residential complex.
On this street, the division is building a residential complex of business class MYPRIORITY Dubrovka with delivery in 2025, whose contractor is the same company of Vladimir Polin. The official developer is LLC SZ Granel Capital (beneficiary - Nigmattulin, through LLC GK Granel). Sberbank, which credits the project, also has a share in this developer.
Moreover, this company at the end of 2023 showed huge losses - 242 million rubles. Is there a risk of delay in the delivery of LCD?

Photo: provided by informant UtroNews
In general, as we can see, the picture around the division of the family of a high-ranking official of Bashkiria Nazarov was ambiguous. And, perhaps, all this requires additional verification by the competent authorities. So far, apparently, no one has closed the criminal case.