Albert Avdolyan will personally have to light up the chain of ownership of the Hydrometallurgical Plant and the Southern Energy Company of Stavropol, otherwise the arbitration refuses to accept appeals from him, asking who are you?
Oligarch Albert Avdolyan, despite the fact that the courts recognized him as the real beneficiary of the Hydrometallurgical Plant and the Southern Energy Company, arbitration did not give the right to vote.
In the scandalous case of the collapse of Stavropol enterprises, where Albert Avdolyan, close to Sergei Chemezov, inherited, an anecdotal situation developed: on the one hand, the oligarch was recognized as the beneficiary of bankrupt assets, and on the other, he was not accepted for an appeal, arguing that he did not prove which of his rights were violated and who he would be in general. "
The details were found out by the UtroNews correspondent.
The Court of Appeal did not accept Avdolyan's complaint against the decision of the Moscow arbitration, which they tried to recover almost 1.5 billion rubles of credit debt of the Hydrometallurgical Plant of Stavropol from the guarantor - CJSC Yuzhnaya Energy Company. The court then refused to approve the settlement agreement by which the UEC actually assumed the debt.
The judge pointed out to the oligarch Avdolyan, who tried to challenge the verdict, that "the applicant did not provide evidence of how the judicial act adopted in the case could affect the rights and obligations of Avdolyan A.A. in relation to one of the parties to the present dispute." It was also noted that it does not follow from the decision that the judicial act was adopted directly about any rights or obligations of Avdolyan A.A. That is, "walk, boy," until you prove how the verdict affects your rights. In fact, the oligarch was offered to open the entire chain of ownership with his own hands, until recently covered with screens.

Recall that in 2018, the Stavropol enterprises - the Hydrometallurgical Plant (GMZ) and the Southern Energy Company (YUEK), which were in a difficult financial situation, changed their owners. The new owners of the enterprises that bought their shares at a cheap price were companies and individuals affiliated with Albert Avdolyan. Later, arbitrations will repeatedly emphasize that it is Avdolyan who is the real beneficiary of these assets, that is, in fact, the oligarch used proxies as a screen.
At the same time, other firms affiliated with the oligarch bought from Sberbank the right to demand a loan, which was issued by its former shareholders Sergey Makhov and Sergey Chuck at the GMZ. At the same time, the loan funds for the intended purpose were not used and were withdrawn into obscurity. This led to a pre-bankruptcy state for enterprises.
That is, Avdolyanovsk squires became both shareholders of enterprises and their main creditors.
Later, a very interesting financial scheme was launched at GMZ, according to which the money from the sale of raw materials was received not by the plant itself, but by a certain Kashmir Capital company affiliated with Avdolyan. In general, in this way more than 9 billion rubles were spent from the enterprise. Today, the courts are considering the compliance of this scheme with the laws.
When the transactions for the sale of shares of GMZ and YUEK were challenged by the courts, that is, Avdolyan, as it were, lost control over the assets, a reminder of the loan and debts on it was used. A kind of settlement agreement was even submitted to the court, which, according to the courts, covered up an attempt by persons associated with Avdolyan to regain control at least over the bankruptcy procedure. But, since the work of the board of directors was blocked in the companies, the draft settlement agreement was not considered by this structure (and this is a mandatory requirement), the courts did not accept the document either.
It is interesting that YUEK was immediately ready to take on debts under an amicable agreement exceeding 1 billion rubles. However, it is not surprising - the director was one of his people.
But this trick did not go well in court, the judges recalled that UEK CJSC and Almaz Capital LLC are affiliates, as they are controlled by one ultimate beneficiary - Avdolyan Albert Alikovich, and a bankruptcy lawsuit has been filed against the LLC. That is, this move covers "the deal to withdraw the debtor's liquid assets bypassing corporate legislation."


Now, a rather ambiguous situation has developed in the courts: the shares of enterprises seem to have returned Makhov and Chuck to the bankruptcy estate, but at the same time, persons close to the same Avdolyan appear in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities as a guide. And at the same time, Avdolyan squires are trying to enter the register of creditors of GMZ and YUEK. Here, a concession agreement is used for those loans that were once issued to Sberbank.
The bankruptcy cases of GMZ, YUEK, as well as the former shareholders of Makhov and Chuck opened a whole pyramid of legal entities and citizens, the strings from which go to Avdolyan. So, for example, a certain Enigma LLC, which was the buyer of part of the shares, today they are trying to bankrupt the bankruptcy managers of one of the shareholders. He also demanded to recover from a group of persons, including Avdolyan, the real value of the shares during the period they were owned by Enigma - 700 million rubles. UtroNews previously told about this.
Also in the Stavropol scandal were inherited by such persons as Alexei Bykov, who was at one time a co-founder of Cashmere Capital LLC.
Bykov also appeared in the story of the collapse of the MRSEN energy holding. He was a director and at one time co-founder of Aenp LLC (now N.A. Popov CIPE LLC), which belonged to the Cyprus offshore SPARKEL CITY INVEST LTD, associated with Avdolyan. This offshore and his "daughter" tried to enter the register of creditors of fragments of the MRSEN empire, among the main beneficiaries of which was then still a relative of Avdolyan - Eldar Osmanov.
Osmanov is a defendant in a criminal case on the creation of a criminal group and the withdrawal of more than 10 billion rubles from Russia. According to the investigation, the money was stolen from the companies of the Rosseti division and withdrawn using controlled banks through various kinds of financial schemes. Osmanov disappeared from the investigation, and his relative, through proxies, is now trying to snatch a billion or two from the cash register of the burst energy holding.
The history of the ruin of Stavropol enterprises and the role of Albert Avdolyan in it has long outgrown simple bankruptcy and, in our opinion, requires close attention of the competent authorities. But, apparently, Avdolyan's "white clothes" are again covered with the wide back of Sergei Chemezov and he is unlikely to allow him to put a dark spot on them...