Friendly row Graneli: how Andrei Nazarov's son-in-law was friends with Reutov's mayor's office

The company from the division of the Granel Group of Companies, the son-in-law of the Prime Minister of Bashkiria, Andrei Nazarov, Ilshat Nigmatullin, who appeared in a muddy deal with land in Reutov, was leaked to a trustee. There is a suspicion that with the commissioning of the Reut residential complex, for which Governor Vorobyov allocated four plots without bidding, not everything is smooth. Where should the drifts and who should help to smooth out the roughness?


The company from the division of the Granel Group of Companies, the son-in-law of the Prime Minister of Bashkiria, Andrei Nazarov, Ilshat Nigmatullin, who appeared in a muddy deal with land in Reutov, was leaked to a trustee. There is a suspicion that with the commissioning of the Reut residential complex, for which Governor Vorobyov allocated four plots without bidding, not everything is smooth. Where should the drifts and who should help to smooth out the roughness?

After the publication of the package of documents with the emblems of the Granel Group of Companies, which came to the editorial office of UtroNews, readers received feedback, which revealed even greater problems around the Reut residential complex.

Recall that from the memos it became known that four land plots were allocated for the Reut residential complex without bidding, but since the required number of parking spaces did not converge, a new scheme was invented - the missing parking lots were allegedly placed at the Reutov Park shopping and entertainment center. Otherwise, difficulties could arise with the commissioning of the facility, and the agreement itself with the regional authorities required a certain number of parking lots, which are provided for by the norms.

According to the website of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, the living area of ​ ​ the built three houses of the residential complex "Reut" for 1,086 apartments is 40.18 thousand square meters. m, that is, according to the portal Geoportal of the Moscow Region, there should have been at least 718 parking spaces.

Judging by the memo, to sign an agreement that takes into account the completion of parking lots in another place, in order for solitaire to come together, 1 million rubles were required. Given that the president of Graneli, Ilshat Nigmatullin, and his deputy, Dmitry Adushev, are already involved in the criminal case of bribes, it smells very bad in this story. Who should have been paid a million and limited only to them, let the competent authorities answer.

Friendly row Graneli: how Andrei Nazarov's son-in-law was friends with Reutov's mayor's office

Photo: provided by informant UtroNews

It turned out that the Graneli division received four plots with a total area of ​ ​ 1.52 hectares as compensation for the completion of house No. 38 on Nosovikhinskoye Shosse. The order on the allocation of land without bidding was signed by the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov. Graneli was allocated from the state property represented by Granel Granit Specialized Developer LLC.

At the same time, the cost of the transferred land could, in our opinion, significantly exceed the costs of Graneli for the completion of the problematic facility and the transfer of apartments to the newly defrauded equity holders, and then there is a lack of benefit for the regional budget.

Friendly row Graneli: how Andrei Nazarov's son-in-law was friends with Reutov's mayor's office

Photo: provided by informant UtroNews

Friendly row Graneli: how Andrei Nazarov's son-in-law was friends with Reutov's mayor's office

Photo: provided by informant UtroNews

Judging by order No. 77-RG of 02.03.2020, we are talking about plots of so-called communal lands.

According to readers, they were previously planned at the expense of equity holders of microdistricts 10 and 10A the construction of socially significant facilities, namely a medical aid station, a fire station, an electrical substation and a parking lot, and instead the land was practically given to Graneli.

The residents of Reutov themselves were categorically against this alignment - after all, the new residential complexes imply a load on the existing infrastructure, which does not take out the old ones either. But who will listen to the population when such money is at stake?

Friendly row Graneli: how Andrei Nazarov's son-in-law was friends with Reutov's mayor's office

Photo: provided by informant UtroNews

Friendly row Graneli: how Andrei Nazarov's son-in-law was friends with Reutov's mayor's office

Photo: provided by informant UtroNews

They began to build to Reut under the last head of Reutov, who was very famous for the ambiguous construction projects Stanislav Katarov. And although Katarov himself has already left, part of his team still remains at the helm with his successor, so you should not expect a change in the rules of the game.

Not only Reutov officials, but also their colleagues of a higher rank may be involved in the history of the Reut residential complex.

Thus, a building permit in the Moscow region is issued by the Ministry of Housing Policy, which until recently was headed by Inna Fedotova. Not so long ago, she resigned, becoming an adviser to Governor Vorobyov. Apparently, a very irreplaceable lady in the governor's team. And did Ms. Fedotova eventually get out of the blow with such a personnel reshuffle?

An important nuance: permission to enter at least the first house of the residential complex Reut was signed by First Deputy Minister Ivan Sinelnikov. So, the chain of faces from which you need to drive demand is getting longer.

Friendly row Graneli: how Andrei Nazarov's son-in-law was friends with Reutov's mayor's office

Photo: наш.дом.рф

This residential complex has questions not only about parking lots, which, according to local residents, are still lacking, but also about the local area. Is there one at all?

How this complex was commissioned is still a mystery. Although, if we assume that the memos received by the editorial office are real, then the answer to this question pops up by itself.

Troubled LCD and toxic developer

Judging by the data from the website of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, all three houses of the Reut residential complex were commissioned with delays. And they preferred to get rid of the developer when all the documents were signed, taking him out of the division.

So, LLC "Specialized developer" Granel Granit "back in August 2023 was renamed LLC" Grafit "and transferred to a certain Inna Erkina.

Yerkina is far from a stranger to the Granel Group of Companies - she was associated with Ildar Senzhapov, who in turn was the director of a number of Graneli legal entities.

Friendly row Graneli: how Andrei Nazarov's son-in-law was friends with Reutov's mayor's office


Before Yerkina, among the owners of the developer of the residential complex Reut, there flashed the already known to our readers LLC Taler, which was previously called LLC Granel and was the developer of the residential complex Imperial Mytishchi, which was also commissioned with delays. This company was noted in a number of dubious episodes related to finance. Thaler LLC was also taken out of the Graneli division and today it is bankrupt with a bunch of debts, some of which are associated with affiliated companies of the division and its beneficiaries.

The contractor of the Reut residential complex was StroyConsultGroup LLC, which is headed and owned by Vladimir Polin, a longtime partner of Graneli and her beneficiaries.

Another company, Polina, was involved in a tax scandal, in which she tried to significantly overestimate the tax deduction. The Federal Tax Service proved the connection of the Polina company with the Nigmatullina division and additionally charged taxes, noting that the legal entity unreasonably declared 485 million rubles of VAT for deduction on the basis of invoices issued to the applicant by the counterparty - MS Obryat LLC, which does not meet the criteria of a real operating business entity, controlled by the Granel Group of Companies, which also includes the taxpayer. And whether someone answered for this attempt to catch almost 0.5 billion rubles is a question.

And did another company Polina still bury surprises during the construction of the Reut residential complex?

Friendly row Graneli: how Andrei Nazarov's son-in-law was friends with Reutov's mayor's office


Friendly row Graneli: how Andrei Nazarov's son-in-law was friends with Reutov's mayor's office


Thus, so many questions arose around the construction of the Reut residential complex that it is just right to involve the competent authorities. Perhaps Nigmatullin will not get off with one episode, but will he pull a chain from Vorobyov's team with him?