"PIK" Gordeev, it seems, flew a boomerang for the quality of construction: revenue from the sale of housing for 2023 fell by 0.6 billion rubles. Even the state program of preferential mortgages did not help.
The federal developer PJSC SZ PIK for 2023 as a whole lost 45% of its profit, but increased its debt burden. Against the background of a similar not rosy picture, the general director Ivan Polandov was asked to leave with things ahead of schedule. The UtroNews correspondent understood the situation.
The reporting of PIK under RAS for 2023 looks very not rosy, so much so that at the next meeting of the board of directors on March 22, the participants unanimously decided to early terminate the powers of the general director. The issue will be submitted to the general meeting of shareholders, which will be held on April 24.

Photo: e-disclosure.ru
The post of general director after the departure of Sergei Gordeev from him is occupied by Ivan Polandov, and Gordeev remained the beneficiary. The same Polandov, whom Sergei Sobyanin sneezed in the fall of 2022, promising to break off cooperation with PIK if the group disrupts the construction of social facilities.
Judging by the indicators of 2023, not only Sobyanin was tired of the developer's behavior, but also buyers. After all, the quality of construction from PIK also caused complaints. Among the claims are numerous shortcomings that are visible already at the acceptance stage, the lack of the promised social infrastructure, the inoperability to eliminate warranty cases, such as the double-glazed unit that burst in winter.
Here is one of the reviews of the real buyer of housing, which was left in September 2023: "They issued the keys to the PIK apartment at Kola 8 building 2. 137 comments were prescribed in the report of the initial inspection. According to the rules, they had to call and write down to eliminate the shortcomings within 48 hours, they had to call and yell several times so that, finally, they would contact me. They came to eliminate. They just break it and make it worse. The window was changed with a scratch. The door did not close - cut with a saw. The laminate subsided - removed, chipped and put back, the outlets were written by the schneider company - inside ordinary China. The wallpaper is pasted in two layers as it turned out! "

Photo: otzovik.com
In general, the transition to the project financing scheme in 2019 from direct settlements of buyers with the developer, although it reduced the risks of the emergence of new defrauded equity holders, does not protect against shortcomings. Moreover, there were disruptions in the construction deadlines, and there are.
According to the EIZHS, PIK Group of Companies has 65 out of 336 houses put into operation with delays. At the same time, facilities commissioned over the past three years, in some cases, delays amounted to more than a year.

Photo: наш.дом.рф

Photo: наш.дом.рф
Judging by the fact that out of 426 reviews about PIK, only 115 are positive, the developer has problems with customer orientation.
As a result, the buyer, tired of such a relationship, decided to vote with a ruble. In 2023, this led to a decline in revenue from housing sales - from 9.1 to 8.5 billion rubles. And it is worth noting that the market had a preferential mortgage program when buying a home in a new building.

Photo: e-disclosure.ru
Although, despite the claims to apartments from PIK, the authorities of Moscow and the Moscow region are very willing to buy them to allocate various kinds of beneficiaries. For example, the Krasnogorsk administration bought housing from Gordeev for orphans.

Photo: rusprofile.ru
Profits down, debts up.
At the end of 2023, PJSC SZ PIK significantly lost in total revenue - a decline from 73.7 to 39.9 billion rubles, and the decline in net profit was from 49 to 27 billion rubles.

Photo: e-disclosure.ru
Against the background of such a failure, the increase in PIK's long-term debts (loans and loans) looks rather strange - from 24.68 to 60 billion rubles.

Photo: e-disclosure.ru
At the same time, the Gordeevsky PIK continues to recruit more and more new projects.
So, in March 2024, Viva Holding LLC became an investor to reorganize the site in Polesskiy proezd. The company needs to pour about 8.2 billion rubles into the project. Apparently, Gordeev will again go for a loan to Kostin, whose VTB Bank is very loyal to the legal entities of this division, despite the fact that in August 2023 it ceased to be its shareholder. As "goodies," the Moscow authorities promised that PIK on a plot of 1.14 hectares will be able to build commercial real estate, plus some benefits will be available to this investor.
It's interesting: at the same time, Viva Holding LLC was created just in September 2023 and has so far demonstrated only a loss.
There is also no need to wait for dividends by the PIK shareholder, and if for the same Gordeev, who took care of the money box in advance, this is not a problem, then minority shareholders are unlikely to be happy with this situation.
Offshore issue spoiled
SPIKing of Gordeev's Kubyshka, it will not be superfluous to remember that in recent years there have been busy internal movements in the PIK division.
Some of the companies were sold, some were sent for liquidation. At the same time, toxic assets were often leaked, including in the bankruptcy stage. For example, in 2021-2023, a certain JSC "Financial Expert" was "merged" LLC "Delis-Invest" (bankrupt, liquidated in December 2023), LLC "Rivas MO" (in the bankruptcy stage), unprofitable LLC "Bildexpo" and LLC "Retail Standard-Pyatigorsk" (bankrupt, in December 2023 liquidated).
There are several very interesting nuances in these transactions for draining toxic legal entities.
Firstly, the founder of the buyer, Financial Expert JSC, was a certain Kira Revenkova, a namesake of a VTB Registrar employee from the VTB division. And as we remember, until August 2023 they were shareholders of PIK, and the bank was very active in lending to Gordeev's projects. A fun match, isn't it?

Photo: rusprofile.ru
Secondly, the only not pre-bankruptcy and not liquidated legal person transferred from PIK to Revenkova's firm - LLC Bildexpo (works in the sphere of entertainments) though shows losses, but his authorized capital was augmented to 5.1 billion rubles for today. At the same time the breakthrough was made in October, 2023 - from 500 thousand rubles and at once to 5.1 billion rubles. That is in case of elimination of an asset, money will be withdrawn (after settlings with creditors) into accounts of shareholders.
Interestingly and the fact that till March, 2024 the former native from PIK - Igor Ermakov was the director of Bildexpo. He still runs LLC GP-SP where LLC Pik-Genpodryad, and LLC Traydent from the same division has a share. So also Revenkova can - it is "Gordeev's person"?

Photo: rusprofile.ru
And, at last, the most important nuance. In many of the above-mentioned companies the Cyprian offshores, in particular private joint stock companies with limited liability "Esreatika holdings limited" (in LLC Bildexpo and "Traydent"), Sakopa Limited and Maravey Limited were noted. At the same time Sakopa also I was the owner of LLC Platforma Finance where among directors the Cyprian lawyer Boris Lazich who is also the head of the whole pack of offshores with the hidden beneficiaries was marked out.

Photo: rusprofile.ru

Photo: b2bhint.com
And the most interesting that Lazich released in "Finance Platform" from a duty the director Maxim Alperin who is related to the PIK division. Alperin was the director of LLC Sigma Management that on a chain belongs to LLC Pik-Investproekt and Ganymede Consult of the son of other developer - Pavel Tyo, the person with even more ambiguous reputation. So also the Cyprian lawyer Lazich not the stranger for Gordeev can? Then the pack of the Cyprian firms under the leadership of Lazich already plays new paints.

Photo: rusprofile.ru
Moreover, earlier Cyprian "Esreatika holdings limited" was also a founder of a certain still operating JSC Pallada (property sale) who is directed by Maxim Slabinsky.
And Slabinsky is also related to PIK (I was the director of LLC SZ Perspektivnye Resheniya and LLC Specialized Builder Luzhnetsky Kvartal) and also a number of construction companies where also other offshores left marks in owners.
Whether around the PIK not too is a lot of them? Whether directs you know on certain thoughts. If to glance in the biography PIK, offshores - the phenomenon far there not new.
In 2006 firm at all for 99.9% two foreign jugs - MC Realtors Holding Inc. (British Virgin Islands) and IBG Development Group Inc owned. By the way, MC Realtors Holding Inc. through JSC Bank Bank of Housing Crediting was connected with Kirill Pisarev - the co-founder PIK. And the residence of Pisarev in documents specified Cyprus and nationality of the same country. In March, 2023 Kommersant reported that the financial prosecutor's office of France opened case of money laundering and evasion of taxes against the company to Pisarev.
Also not to the liyena to remember that "Rosbuilding" with whom there began Gordeev belonged to offshores - from British and the Seychelles. Loves, it turns out, the millionaire developer foreign jurisdiction. Not for nothing after leaving senators as reported the Life.ru edition, he allegedly lived several years in London.
And, by the way, if we address base of the British legal persons, then we will find out that the certain Russian of Sergey GORDEEV who was born in November, 1972 was the head of the London firm RUSPETRO LIMITED (it is liquidated only in 2022). The firm, apparently, belonged to other Russian - the petromagnate of Alexander CHISTYAKOV which is represented as the former colleague Mikhail Khodorkovsky (it is recognized as the foreign agent, the extremist and the terrorist in the territory of the Russian Federation) and Anatoly Chubais.

Photo: find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk
Thus, it is possible to assume that Gordeev took care of the jug for a long time. Always, as one Russian performer sings, it is possible "to go to live to London".