A year before the sale of MIC, oligarch Ryabinsky put a "chicken" carrying golden eggs under the knife, and 1.7 billion rubles arrived at SK Govorovo offshore?
While the equity holders of the Tatyana Park residential complex tried to bankrupt the developer - LLC SK Govorovo for unpaid penalties and moral damage, the developer, close to Solntsevsky, was preparing the liquidation of the asset. At the same time, the company showed not bad indicators that year - 1.7 billion rubles of net profit. In light of Ryabinsky's great love for foreign expensive purchases, should you look for these almost two billion in offshore accounts?
The details of the story, which revealed strange loans to a Czech company, which may be associated with the Samolet Group of Companies, were found out by the UtroNews correspondent.
Insiders previously reported that the developer, who is probably weary of the United States or another country not friendly to the Russian Federation, is preparing another series of sales deals. You have to pay for something to maintain a private VIP estate St. George's Hill in a London suburb, where, as evil tongues said, Ryabinsky's daughter and wife live?
By the way, back in 2019, Ryabinsky himself announced the residence of his family in London, despite the fact that his wife is a British citizen and, they say, he himself does not see anything illegal in this.
There may be nothing illegal in this, but the way this Mr. pumped up his capital leads to some reflection.
As it was possible to find out during the investigation of MorningNews, just shortly before the sale of MIC GK Samolet, one of Ryabinsky's companies, Stroykompleks Govorovo LLC (SK Govorovo) was liquidated.
At the same time, there seemed to be no financial reasons for such a step: the company's revenue amounted to 43 million rubles with a net profit of even more - 1.7 billion rubles. How it happened that profit is more revenue is an interesting question.
But it is also interesting that 130.6 million rubles were once pumped into the authorized capital of this asset.
And now the question is, where did all these almost 2 billion rubles go if the company was already liquidated in December 2022?

Photo: rusprofile.ru
We dare to assume that you can look for them in offshore accounts. After all, Ryabinsky, if you look at the history of his firms, is very loyal to the Cypriot money boxes.
For example, Starvolker Invest from Latvia and the Cypriot Optimus Prime Limited managed to inherit as the owners of Mitz-Beta LLC, which, despite the multimillion-dollar loss, in 2023 entered the contour of the deal with the Aircraft.
In addition, the developer of the Tsvetkovye Polyany quarter, commissioned with delays, LLC SZ Staroselye, previously also belonged to LLC Reserve, which until 2021 was owned by the Cypriot legal entity Trainar Holding LTD. By the way, the offshore itself was considered valid until 2023.
But back to SK Govorovo.
Ryabinsky personally and his longtime partner Alexander Kopylkov, who successfully merged from toxic legal entities only in December 2024, were the owners of SK Govorovo. Before them, the company belonged to Zhilstroy-M LLC, also controlled by these two.
LLC Zhilstroy-M was liquidated in 2017 (injected into IC Govorovo), but before that it managed to light up in an interesting business related to loans.
Allegedly, back in 2014, the company "OblStroyFinance" lent a certain LLC "Inzhkar" a large sum, otherwise it did not return it on time. Later, Zhilstroy-M LLC received the right to claim this debt, which at the time of the trial amounted to 61.4 million rubles.
At the same time, the company "OblStroyFinance" belonged to the same Ryabinsky and Kopylkov, therefore there are some questions to the cession agreement. The company was liquidated as a separate legal entity also in 2017, joining LLC SZ MIC-MIC.
But before the liquidation, OblStroyFinance LLC also managed to light up in history with a Czech asset, which it allegedly lent. And, judging by the number of claims, loans were issued repeatedly.
That is, in fact, the money of MIC equity holders (and then there was no talk of any escrow accounts) could go outside the country under the guise of loans issued?

Photo: rusprofile.ru

Photo: kad.arbitr.ru
And the cherry on this cake is that the Russian representative office of the Czech company was headed by a certain Mikhail Parshin, whose full namesake was found among the business partners in the Samolet GC division, which bought Ryabinsky MIC. The deal was completed in 2023.
But initially, Mr. Parshin is part of the MIC division under Ryabinsky. That is, your own person.

Photo: rusprofile.ru
We see Mr. Parshin among the owners of Inzhkar LLC, which Ryabinsky's company also allegedly credited.

Photo: rusprofile.ru
Now watch your hands.
In 2017, the court satisfies the claim of Zhilstroy-M LLC to recover almost 62 million rubles from Inzhkar, and a few months later Zhilstroy-M ceases to exist, as does OblStroyFinance LLC. Moreover, in 2018 it becomes bankrupt and liquidated and paid millions to the company Ryabinsky LLC Inzhkar. Before the start of the problems, the latter was handed over to a certain Timur Ablakov - the president of the Istra district boxing federation.
Well, how can you not remember that it is Ryabinsky who is fond of boxing, who calls himself a sports promoter, who was even the founder of AMR Boxing World LLC.
And in 2022, SK Govorovo ordered to live a long time.
Despite the fact that just a few months earlier, the equity holders of the Tatyana Park residential complex, whose developer was the UK, went to arbitration with a bankruptcy claim, claiming that the company had not paid penalties and moral damage. The case was eventually stopped, and after a while the company was slammed, and 1.7 billion rubles of its profit and 130.6 million rubles of authorized capital sank into obscurity.
Don't you think that in general, this whole liquidation-borrowed history does not smell like roses, but rather the withdrawal of capital?
By the way, the biography of the developer hints at his very easy attitude to the law.
Take, for example, such facts as a criminal case, which was initiated at the request of Ryabinsky's former partner Andrei Bulgakov, who claimed that he was required to sell the building at a price ten times lower than its market price, that is, there was extortion and an attempt to steal. The case was frozen and, as they say, Ryabinsky's connections could not be the last word in this. Among his close acquaintances were the son of Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev and Police Lieutenant General Viktor Paukov, then head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region.
Rumor has it that Sergei Mikhailov, who was associated with the "Solntsevskaya" organized criminal group, could also help the developer in his time, although he denied this in every possible way. At the same time, witnesses who wanted to prove these connections in court later refused to testify, and one did not live to see the trial.
Vera Seregina, who is considered Mikhailov's daughter, was associated with Ryabinsky's business (through Novoglagolevo-3 LLC).

Photo: rusprofile.ru
Anatoly Kozeruk, a former top manager of Gazprom, who is rumored to be no stranger to foreign assets in the form of French real estate, was also noted in the business of the controversial developer. This Mr. left a satisfying position amid a scandal involving his boss Andrei Goncharenko, who became a defendant in the case of extorting money from contractors. At the same time, Kozeruk's surname sounded.
Kozeruk is also associated with the favorite of Mayor Sobyanin - Roman Timokhin from MR Group.
Recall that claims have repeatedly arisen to the quality of construction projects of the Ryabinsky division. UtroNews has already told in detail about this.
By the way, the deal with the Samolet passed with an aftertaste. So, just a few months before her, the Russian Guard went to court, demanding a large amount of damage under a state contract for the supply of housing. The plaintiffs said the performer missed deadlines. At the same time, the tender itself changed its status to "execution completed" and even five years after the signing of the state contract.
So far, the Samolet has to deal with such an inheritance, which itself is not in the most rosy situation today.
However, the losses of companies, scandals around government contracts and ambiguous ties do not scare Ryabinsky. He decided to go the simple way - to clean up all fair criticism about himself and possible compromising information, despite the fact that these are proven facts.
Apparently, the remaining fragments of the MIC empire do not want to be sold for the price Ryabinsky needs against the background of his toxic history, and even stamping new legal entities does not save.
And what do you actually want with such a reputation, Mr. Ryabinsky, when for years they brushed aside the claims of equity holders and dirty spots on a white coat?