Volodin "instructed" the deputies: you will have to do without the Maldives

The State Duma completed the spring session of 2024. UtroNews - on the results of the work of the lower house of parliament.


The State Duma completed the spring session of 2024. UtroNews - on the results of the work of the lower house of parliament.

A detailed report on the activities of the legislative body was presented by the Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. However, before proceeding to the analysis of the results, it is worth noting that it was in this spring session in May 2024 that the Duma first approved candidates for the posts of federal ministers, with the exception of the power bloc and the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Thus, for the first time in the history of modern Russia, the House of Parliament completed the process of forming a new government within the framework of its new powers, which the deputies were endowed with the law on the amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 2020.

According to Volodin, a total of 331 laws were adopted during this session. Of these, 215 are laws of direct action, 92 are socially significant. In addition, a large block of bills was devoted to supporting those who need it most. I.e. families with children, SWO participants, pensioners.

Despite the impressive numbers, the number of documents approved by the State Duma this year was the lowest in four years. In 2020, deputies adopted 312 laws. The maximum number of bills in ten years was approved in the spring session of 2023 - then their number was 499.

Among the laws of this session are an increase in military pensions, additional labor guarantees for the widows of the participants in the special operation, and much more. Important changes in tax legislation were also adopted. In particular, a progressive scale of taxation was introduced, which caused a considerable resonance in society. People have been waiting for such a step from the State Duma for a long time.

Additional funds received from the new taxation system are planned to be used to finance new national projects. Another significant event was the decision to index pensions for working pensioners. This initiative belongs to President Vladimir Putin - he previously voiced it publicly.

Migration policy

Two large separate blocks of adopted bills concern the patriotic education of young people, and in general the promotion of patriotism in the general population, as well as migration legislation.

In 2024, the migration policy of the Russian Federation became one of the hottest topics against the background of resonant terrorist attacks committed by migrants, and, in general, a significant increase in crimes committed by foreign workers. According to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Igor Krasnov, in 2023 the number of such crimes increased by 75% to 21.8 thousand. He instructed prosecutors to analyze the situation with migrants in the regions.

Parliament also responds to its powers and the request of society.

Vyacheslav Volodin also drew attention to appeals to the Duma regarding the improvement of migration legislation. He recalled that the State Duma adopted a law on the regime of expulsion of migrants illegally staying in the country, and at a meeting on July 31 - on the obligation of everyone who receives Russian citizenship to register and serve in the Armed Forces. According to Volodin, 22 more bills aimed at regulating migration control are currently under consideration in the State Duma, so work will continue.

And we will note another interesting law for ourselves. At the same meeting on July 31, in three (!) Readings at once, the Law on the deprivation of acquired citizenship for refusing military registration was adopted. The fact is that according to Art. 19 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, all citizens are equal before the law and the court.

It turns out that now the Russians who received citizenship by birth are "more equal," because they cannot be deprived of it for refusing military registration? I.e. citizens are divided into categories, each of which has its own (different) legal consequences for the same actions.

Thus, the adopted law may directly violate the Constitution of Russia. As expected, this circumstance did not cause any complaints from the deputies - it means that there are no violations. However, there is an opinion that not all the people's representatives generally read the main document of the country. But these are just rumors.

Inter-parliamentary dialogue

Another block of results is the results of the international activities of constitutional experts from the State Duma. Given the complete gap with the parliaments of Western countries, the deputies are increasing inter-parliamentary contacts with colleagues from Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The session hosted visits by Russian parliamentarians to Saudi Arabia, Iran, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Nicaragua and Cuba.

As expected, the United States, the European Union and Ukraine were sharply criticized by Vyacheslav Volodin. The Speaker rightly observed that the world was tired of hypocrisy and double standards. We add from ourselves that Russia itself is especially tired of hypocrisy, so Vyacheslav Volodin touched upon a really relevant and burning topic. The speaker believes that the design of a multipolar world, which Russia stands for, can solve the problem.

Another important layer is the decisions of the State Duma in the field of IT. The head of the profile committee, Alexander Khinshtein, reported on them. He noted the abolition of "telecom slavery," increased control over the turnover of SIM cards, the ban on trash streams, a bill on the peculiarities of working with "big data," blocking sites - "mirrors" with "pirated content."

Rest early

The heads of parliamentary factions - the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party, United Russia, New People and Fair Russia - also spoke. All their speeches can be characterized by one phrase, known for the call: "faster, higher, stronger." Of course, they all agreed that according to the results of the last session, thanks to their work, the life of Russians will become even better than now.

So, the current session has become one of the most "patriotic" and "prolific" for important decisions for the country. However, it is too early for the deputies to rest, as Vyacheslav Volodin also stated. He noted that they have a lot of work in the districts, ahead - reports to voters.

Real politicians do not have vacations at all, Volodin is convinced. Moreover, you can't fly to the Maldives now - according to the law adopted by the State Duma, now you can lose your mandate for this. Thus, it can be assumed that if one of the people's deputies wants to bask on an overseas beach, he will have to do this as part of an inter-parliamentary visit, for example, to Cuba or the UAE.

So it's not all bad.