ZPIF tank for oligarch Berezin: why did liquid firms merge?

Oligarch with an ambiguous reputation Andrei Berezin and his proxies lit up in a whole chain of strange transactions involving ZPIF and their common Criminal Code. Successful legal entities liquidated for the subsequent withdrawal of millions?


Oligarch with an ambiguous reputation Andrei Berezin and his proxies lit up in a whole chain of strange transactions involving ZPIF and their common Criminal Code. Successful legal entities liquidated for the subsequent withdrawal of millions?

Why cut a chicken carrying golden eggs, and who else was hiding behind an oligarch close to the governor of the Leningrad region, Alexander Drozdenko, the UtroNews correspondent understood.

We will remind, earlier UtroNews already told how Berezin actively transferred his assets to the closed-end investment fund, and later toxic traces began to be cleaned up through the management company - LLC UK Stock House. Only the names of the closed-end investment fund changed.

At the same time, the Criminal Code flashed in a scandalous transaction related to the acquisition of servers for $15 million from a certain German company. The money was paid, and the goods were not transferred, which suggested that this was a scheme for the possible withdrawal of a large amount from Russia. The deal became known from the reports of the publication "Fontanka.Ru" about the alleged searches in a large investment company "Euroinvest." Berezin then denied the search report in court and insisted that he had nothing to do with history.

ZPIF tank for oligarch Berezin: why did liquid firms merge?

Photo: kad.arbitr.ru

Meanwhile, The Moscow Post found out that Berezin, as well as his partner Yuri Vasiliev and a certain Maxim Zhukov, the namesake of a relative of the authoritative businessman Vladimir Golubev, who was called "Barmaley" in the 90s, had a stake in Auditexpert Company LLC. And a company with a similar name just appeared in scandalous server deals.

ZPIF tank for oligarch Berezin: why did liquid firms merge?

Photo: rusprofile.ru

Outlet pipeline via closed-end filter?

"Auditexpert" company was liquidated in June 2022, having an authorized capital of 944.8 million rubles.

The list of liquidators also included companies associated with it with a similar picture - large amounts pumped into the authorized capital, which are unknown in which direction they could decrease.

Among such liquidators were Megacenter LLC (authorized capital - 761.5 million rubles), its owner - Graviton Investments LLC (authorized - 700.1 million rubles). In the biography of the last two, ZPIFs appeared - "Balance Invest" and "Element Development-1" (its media were associated with PJSC "Svetlana," where Berezin had a share).

Managed these ZPIF just the same LLC "UK" Stock House. "

Moreover, in LLC Company Auditexpert, the liquidator and owner of the stake was a certain Igor Tsvirko, who more than once will flash next to various closed-end mutual funds under the management of the Fund House Management Company. So, for example, he was the liquidator of a certain Orion Invest LLC (authorized capital - 197.6 million rubles, the value of the asset before liquidation - 494 million rubles), the owners of which were ZPIF Element Development-1, and before the liquidation of ZPIF FD Invest.

Orion Invest also owned the Tudor company, which is operational and, apparently, has premises on the balance sheet at the address: St. Petersburg, st. Professor Popov, 38.

Before the liquidation of Orion Invest, the subsidiary was transferred under the closed-end investment fund FD Invest, which is managed by the same LLC UK Fund House.

ZPIF tank for oligarch Berezin: why did liquid firms merge?

Photo: rusprofile.ru

Mr. Zvirko is most likely not a stranger to Berezin.

From 2019 to this day, Tsvirko is one of the leaders of the Hollywood shopping and entertainment center LLC, which operates the shopping and entertainment center of the same name in St. Petersburg. Until now, Berezin's business partner is Yuri Vasiliev.

Berezin himself left the owners in 2020 (he was the owner since 2015), but among the owners there were again closed-end mutual funds (Apart Development and Capital 2.0). The latter is managed by LLC UK Aurora, which is 90% owned by Alexander Ivanov, who also received a stake in Medsilikon LLC from Berezin in July 2023. Your next people?

ZPIF tank for oligarch Berezin: why did liquid firms merge?

Photo: rusprofile.ru

Thus, we can observe a whole chain of screens that can be used to withdraw funds from liquidated assets, and quite legally - after all, the authorized capital after the distribution of debts goes to the participants.

And here's a coincidence: from these screen squires, traces lead to the oligarch, who in recent years has been cleaning up all the negativity about himself on the network.

And taking into account that not only unprofitable firms, but also quite liquid at first glance, were among the liquidated, the questions are already to the scheme itself. Where the millions pumped into the authorized capital go can only be assumed, but taking into account the history of servers, we have assumptions. A kind of reserve landfill, Mr. Berezin, and there will only be a conditional ticket "Moscow-Bahamas" to buy?

For example: LLC IC Euroinvest, which was liquidated in June 2024, Rusprofile estimated at the end of 2023 at 386 million rubles with 239 million rubles of net profit. Why did you need to chop a chicken that carried golden eggs?

ZPIF tank for oligarch Berezin: why did liquid firms merge?

Photo: rusprofile.ru

The editors of MorningNews also found another "wing" with a dubious alignment.

Among Berezin's business partners in Hollywood Shopping and Entertainment Center LLC was a certain Ruslan Matyukhin. He was the owner of a whole division of companies under the single brand "Alnix," which were engaged in rental and real estate management in St. Petersburg. Among them are Alnix LLC, Alnix-Finance LLC, Alnix-Neva LLC, Alnix-North-West LLC.

All these assets were liquidated in July-August 2024, and at the same time they were absolutely all liquid. Launched under the knife in July 2024, Alnix-Finance LLC at the end of 2023 was estimated at 170 million rubles with a net profit of 26 million rubles, Alnix-Neva LLC had a value of 13 million rubles, Alnix - 158 million rubles, and Alnix-North-West - 188 million rubles.

Judging by the materials of the courts, the firms were related to the City Mall shopping and entertainment complex in St. Petersburg.

Another thing the firms have in common is that shortly before the liquidation they were transferred under a closed-end investment fund, which were managed by the same LLC UK Stock House.

ZPIF tank for oligarch Berezin: why did liquid firms merge?

Photo: rusprofile.ru

ZPIF tank for oligarch Berezin: why did liquid firms merge?

Photo: rusprofile.ru

Matyukhin's connection with Berezin and his partners is also indirectly traced through the Avangard company, where his partner was also Alexander Selishchev - another head of the Hollywood shopping and entertainment center and Elena Vasilyeva, who was a co-owner of Euroinvest Development SPB LLC from Berezin division.

ZPIF tank for oligarch Berezin: why did liquid firms merge?

Photo: rusprofile.ru

The transfer of assets under the closed-end investment fund and the liquidation of a number of them takes place against the background of buyers' claims to some construction sites of the development division, where Berezin appeared. True, leaving for a closed-end investment fund allows you to stay, as it were, out of business in case of major problems.

ZPIF is different in that they, as in their time from the Don, "have no issue." We got comfortable, Mr. Berezin, you can't say anything: money in a box, and there is no responsibility?