The case of the ruin of the Hydrometallurgical Plant of Stavropol not only facilitated the wallet of Albert Avdolyan, but also opened a whole network of his "screens." Covering his interests with proxies, the oligarch "whipped" himself.
On the eve of the arbitration refused to remove the arrest from 690.5 million rubles of Avdolyan's personal funds and the same amount from Andrei Ni, who most likely acted as a cover in the history of GMZ through Enigma LLC. Given that Ni's only asset is another Avdolyan box, were 1.4 billion rubles of the oligarch himself under arrest?
In the situation where the BBB Bank surfaced, through which Avdolyan repeatedly did financial affairs, as well as a certain Latvian bank, the UtroNews correspondent understood.
On February 10, the arbitration of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region refused to withdraw security in the form of seizure of funds accepted in the framework of the bankruptcy case of Enigma LLC.
The money came under arrest not only personally Avdolyan, but also a whole group of his proxies - Andrei Ni, Evgeny Zabelin, Ashot Khachaturyants. Ahead - hearings on bringing to subsidiary liability.

The applicant in this case was the financial manager of the former shareholder of the Hydrometallurgical Plant (GMZ), who proved that all these citizens were related to the buyer of the plant's shares - the Enigma company. The latter received a block of shares for a ridiculous 3.8 thousand rubles, when they cost almost 700 million rubles. It is the real value of the package before its depreciation to the ruble that they are trying to return to the bankruptcy estate.
Zabelin in this story was the owner of Enigma - since December 2018 and the general director since February 2019, Andrei Ni was the general director from the date of creation (March 2018) and until February 2019, as well as the owner in 2018, Avdolyan, although formally not included in the governing bodies of the debtor and GMZ, but "judicial acts at the level of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (twice) it was established that it was he who was the ultimate beneficiary of the companies (including the debtor) and transactions to purchase shares in the plant in order to use its production capacity. "


Trying to remove the arrest from the money, the defendants said that Enigma LLC had enough property to settle with the creditor - it could sell a subsidiary asset represented by SAKHAGAZSINTEZ-NEDRA LLC for at least 298.5 million rubles. This company dropped Enigma LLC from YATEK, where Avdolyan also has a stake, in 2021. This LLC is headed by the same Zabelin.
But the court was not impressed by such arguments, he drew attention to the fact that the size of the assets of this company before the initiation of a dispute on the recovery of debt from Enigma LLC (as of 2022) amounted to 3 billion rubles, and after the start of the dispute, it decreased to 298.529 million rubles, and even those represent receivables. And this, in turn, confirms the arguments of the bankruptcy trustee E.A. Pavlenko that the debtor may begin to reduce assets. That is, there is an attempt to withdraw assets?
It's funny, but representatives of Enigma said that SAKHAGAZSINTEZ-NEDRA LLC has claims against AS PNB Banka (Latvia) in the amount of 2.7 billion rubles, but this does not appear in the balance sheet of the LLC. Proof of the debt was a certain statement from the account in Norvik Banka, dated 2017.

It is interesting in this story that the company actually controlled by Avdolyan has highlighted its ties with the bank of Latvia. And this is far from the first time. Thus, another Latvian bank, JSC Citadele Banka, has already appeared in history with the participation of offshore companies Avdolyan and BBR Bank, where a close acquaintance of the oligarch Dmitry Gordovich, who surfaced in the history of the MRSEN energy holding, has a share.
In the story with the Latvian bank, it was about an amount of more than 100 million rubles, as well as such offshore companies as Globalone Holding Limited, Racast Investments Limited, Racast International Limited and Globalone Management Group Limited. The Moscow Post told in detail about the scheme and the defendants, we only add that Irina Belyanova and Nadezhda Kudravets, associated with Avdolyan, appeared in it.
Belyanova is the director of a whole pack of oligarch companies to this day and she also heads the New House Foundation, whose board of trustees includes Rostec head Sergei Chemezov and his wife Ekaterina Ignatova.

Immigrants from Rostec are also still active in the Avdolyan division, and the state corporation itself has repeatedly shone next to the oligarch's business. In particular, the head of YATEK and the former top manager of Rostec, Andrei Korobov, spoke in Stavropol history as the buyer of a stake in the Southern Energy Company (YUEK) associated with GMZ.
As for the Bank's BBB, it quite often pops up in stories related to Avdolyan and his schemes. Take the aforementioned Andrei Ni, to whom Avdolyan in 2024 allegedly sold Globaltek LLC, the person involved in the deal with the subsidiary of Rosatom state corporation, Atomenergomash, whose tasks included providing power to the Yakutsk gas project.
Today, Globaltek LLC is Ni's only firm, and the analysis of his assets suggests that he hardly had his own funds to buy such a legal entity. In our opinion, in LLC Globaltek, which, according to OKVED, is engaged in the production of natural gas and gas condensate, not only the screen of the real beneficiary.
At the same time, at the end of 2023, the LLC showed zero revenue and a loss of 1 billion rubles. So, whose 690 million rubles were arrested in the Enigma case, imposing a restriction on Mr. Ni's accounts, this is another question.
UtroNews has already told in detail about the muddy sale of Globaltek LLC, but now we have noticed something else.
So, judging by the arbitration database, at least in 2023, Globaltek LLC kept its money in accounts with the Bank of Gordovich. Amazing coincidence and again the same bank!
And this is far from the end.
At the end of January 2025, the interim manager of the same Enigma requested information regarding the company about the agreements concluded with BBR Bank JSC, with the provision of properly certified copies of these agreements and credit files to the concluded agreements.
At the same time, the FAS requested data on all the above persons whose assets were arrested, as well as on Arsen Khachaturyants, who surfaced in other assets of Avdolyan, Andrey Korobov and Kashmir Capital LLC (controlled by Avdolyan's squires). The latter appeared in the GMZ case as a company to whose accounts more than 9 billion rubles sailed under a certain tolling agreement. The legality of these transactions is currently being considered in court.
At the same time, during a meeting in June 2024, the Federal Tax Service of Russia and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, having considered the activities of Cashmir Capital LLC and GMZ OJSC, came to the conclusion that the LLC caused damage to the plant. It was about the amount of 2.3 billion rubles.
By the way, according to another episode, already with the participation of YUEK (affiliated with GMZ), 700 million rubles are demanded from Avdolyan and his proxies.
And this may not be the whole tip of the iceberg.
From the FAS, the manager of Enigma wants a complete scheme of related persons who are part of this group, that is, in fact, the disclosure of the full octopus of Avdolyan, who inherited the GMZ in the collapse.

Recall that the history of GMZ and YUEK began in 2018, when former owners Sergei Makhov and Sergei Chuck sold stakes in these enterprises for almost a complex lunch in a restaurant. One package was bought by Enigma LLC, the second - by Korobov.
The courts will later repeatedly prove that the real beneficiary of all transactions is Avdolyan.
Moreover, he was also a beneficiary from another group of transactions - to redeem the right to claim debts from the GMZ.
These debts surfaced after Avdolyan's proxies lost control of the assets (the transactions were challenged). But the courts refused to approve the settlement agreement, according to which YUEK took on a billion debts of the GMZ. Not only was the draft agreement not approved by the board of directors (he was incapacitated at that time), but the parties to this agreement were affiliated with each other, and Avdolyan's ears stuck out because of their backs.
Today, the bankruptcies of Chuck, Makhov and GMZ continue in the courts, and various kinds of fraud, including those related to the withdrawal of large sums and assets, surface to the public. The latter went into the hands of the oligarch's proxies under the pretext of compensation.
Meanwhile, in this story, in our opinion, a criminal case has long been lacking. The beneficiary is already known from this story. But, apparently, the Chemezov lobby protects against the law today?