Land stash Berezina: Stadium "Svetlana" saved for the oligarch?

The stadium of the Svetlana plant, taking into account the shortage of land, may be a personal "stash" of Andrei Berezin, who could hide his selfish interest for the closed-end investment fund.


The stadium of the Svetlana plant, taking into account the shortage of land, may be a personal "stash" of Andrei Berezin, who could hide his selfish interest for the closed-end investment fund.

The situation around the stadium of the Svetlana plant has entered a new round, but the resistance of the beneficiaries of the plant in the issue of transferring the costly object to the budget balance suggests that the site has already been "hammered" for the projects of the development division of the oligarch Berezin.

The UtroNews correspondent understood the situation.

On February 7, the fate of the stadium, which was originally a state asset (like the plant itself), was discussed in the committee for the construction of St. Petersburg. State Duma deputy Yevgeny Marchenko, who was attracted by local residents to the issue of protection against the demolition of the only stadium in the Vyborg district, met with the director of the construction committee Igor Kreslavsky and the director of the Construction Project Management Andrei Alferov. The head of the committee promised that in the near future he would meet with the management of the plant, discussing the need for its reconstruction.

And again, we see only promises, and even those relate not to the transfer of a sports asset to the balance of the region, as the authorities promised, but only to a possible reconstruction. And this, in turn, will not protect the territory from potential development.

As UtroNews previously reported, the huge areas of the plant (33 out of 46 hectares) 8 years ago, with the assistance of the commission, at hand, the then vice-governor Igor Albin was transferred for housing. The Setl Group division of the developer Maxim Shubarev, who is already building several residential complexes there, snatched his piece of this land.

Meanwhile, according to insiders, judging by how the plant, which has long gone into private hands, resists the dumping of ballast in the form of a costly sports facility, Shubarev may not be the likely beneficiary of the story.

If you look at the response of the director of the plant Nikita Gladkov from December 2024, it will become clear that the site itself is leased and belongs, in fact, to the committee for the management of city property, and transferred to the stadium. If now the plant gives the stadium, then the land will have to be returned. And to return oh, I don't want to, despite talk about the cost of maintaining it (judging by Gladkov's letter).

Land stash Berezina: Stadium "Svetlana" saved for the oligarch?


Land stash Berezina: Stadium "Svetlana" saved for the oligarch?


And here we should recall one important point: back in 2018, the Kanoner publication reported that at least a couple of houses on the plant's site would be erected by Euroinvest Investment Company LLC. Behind the latter was an oligarch close to the governor of the Leningrad region, Alexander Drozdenko, Andrei Berezin, who, together with his partner Yuri Vasiliev, also previously owned 11% in the plant itself.

The owners of the plant at one of the stages also included a group of persons associated with the oligarch, such as Felix Dlin, Igor Tsvirko and Maxim Zhukov.

Zhukov, who may be a relative of the well-known businessman Vladimir Golubev, who was nicknamed "Barmaley" in the 90s, previously owned a stake in Auditexpert Company LLC, like Tsvirko. Berezin, Vasiliev and IK VEK LLC were also noted there (Dlin had a share for several years).

Land stash Berezina: Stadium "Svetlana" saved for the oligarch?


LLC "Company" Auditexpert, "judging by the information of the publication" Kanoner, "had a share in the plant.

Moreover, it was this LLC that appeared in the loud scandal associated with the purchase of German servers worth $15 million, which ended with the withdrawal of funds outside Russia. The money was transferred, but the goods did not reach the address.

The story received publicity thanks to media publications. Thus, the publication "Fontanka.Ru" reported about the alleged searches that took place in the office of "Euroinvest" Berezin. He was offended and denied this data in court, sounding like revealing a number of intriguing details that actually connected the story with the plant.

So, in 2022, Svetlana was transferred by a scandal under the Fifth Element closed-end investment fund - the minorities considered that they were underpaid. But the scandal came to naught, the plant went under the closed-end investment fund, having ceased to shine the ears of Berezin and his co-comrades.

Then a long epic began on the transfer of the rest of the oligarch's assets under different closed-end mutual funds, which were interconnected through a management company. Most often it was the Stock House Management Company. It was this management company that glowed in the biography of Megacenter companies associated with Auditexpert Company LLC, Graviton Investments LLC. At the same time, the firms have been liquidated today - the traces are hidden in the water, but before the liquidation, millions of rubles were pumped into them, which then went into obscurity.

And by the way, the Stock House Management Company also had under control for some time those associated with Svetlana - Svetlana-Osr LLC and Svetlana-Estate LLC. The latter passed from the Criminal Code to persons associated with Berezin and his partners. At the same time, the Stock House Management Company is also connected with another legal entity to which Berezin's assets were transferred - Aurora Management Company.

So, the current director of the management company "Aurora" Svetlana Grebenyuk was through LLC "Devil Group" associated with the management company "Stock House." It was "Devil Group" that owned the last Criminal Code for several years. By the way, Ms. Grebenyuk was also the director of a company associated with Svetlana - Svetlana-Osr LLC. It was Svetlana-Osr LLC that leased the stadium for the needs of the Vyborzhanin State Budgetary Institution.

The most interesting thing is that, despite the long-standing transfer of the ZPIF plant, no one replaced Nikita Gladkov, who was appointed under Berezin, as general director. Although it would seem that if other owners are behind the closed-end investment fund, then they should put their own person on a strategic asset. One can, of course, assume that Gladkov is such a gorgeous manager that there is no one to replace him, but if you evaluate the inspections of the plant, then such conclusions cannot be drawn.

Land stash Berezina: Stadium "Svetlana" saved for the oligarch?


Another important nuance: Svetlana-Invest LLC is listed as the legal successor of Svetlana JSC in Rusprofile. This company was liquidated in November 2023, but it owned a closed-end investment fund under the management of the same Fund House management company. Are there too many coincidences?

Land stash Berezina: Stadium "Svetlana" saved for the oligarch?


The same management company "Stock House," like the management company "Aurora," Berezin systematically transferred his development division, going into the shadows. At the same time, Berezin's longtime partner, Stanislav Danelyan, who was also and is the director of a whole pack of construction companies in the division, remained in some assets.

Land stash Berezina: Stadium "Svetlana" saved for the oligarch?


Land stash Berezina: Stadium "Svetlana" saved for the oligarch?


It is interesting, but it was the Stock House Management Company that appeared in the conflict between the plant's minority shareholders. It was with the Criminal Code that they demanded compensation for losses, indicating it as a buyer.

Land stash Berezina: Stadium "Svetlana" saved for the oligarch?


Moreover, it was the management company "Stock House" that received a stake in the company "Rus-Kemper," the main owners of which are the daughter of Governor Drozdenko - Yulia Richard and a possible relative of the former official Viktor Pashigorov. Namely, Berezin and his successes are associated with Drozdenko.

By the way, although Berezin himself is actively receding into the shadows, the Evrovenchur fund he established is still headed by Roman Romanyuk, a former director of external and corporate communications at Svetlana PJSC, whose namesake has repeatedly appeared in the criminal chronicle of law enforcement agencies.

Such a complex chain of screens and hide-and-seek, as well as the reluctance to transfer the stadium, can be explained by the fact that the land under the sports facility costs billions of rubles. Against the background of a shortage of places for housing development, the division may try to use it both for Berezinsky projects and sell it with a not bad margin - through the sale of the stadium. If the stadium is given to the budget, then you will have to say goodbye to the leased land, and Berezin will not miss his own...