An ambitious project from the IT sphere, through which billions of rubles were pumped, turned out to be connected with the husband of Deputy Prime Minister Golikova - Viktor Khristenko.
For nine years, billions of rubles were pumped through an ambitious project in the IT sphere - Redmadrobot, former deputies Khristenko Reus and Dementyev, who are closely associated with the ex-boss.
At the end of December 2024, both persons involved withdrew from the project, leaving in it the founder, former Samara cosmetics merchant Alexei Makin. But he is not a stranger to Khristenko, as it turned out.
The UtroNews correspondent understood how budget money went to people close to the deputy prime minister's family.
At the end of December 2024, two longtime participants left the It-company - Redmadrobot LLC, who owned shares since December 2015.

These were Andrei Dementyev and Andrei Reus - two former deputy husbands of Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova Viktor Khristenko when he was federal officials. Both migrated behind the boss as his career grew, and even after leaving the civil service, Khristenko's interests intersected with those involved in business. It is Reus and Dementyev who are doing business with the oligarch Kharitonin, who earned billions, including in the field of informatization of medicine, who is a friend of the Khristenko-Golikova family. For example, the same Reus, together with Pharmstandard Kharitonin, still has shares in Elpida.
That is, Reus and Dementiev are not called Khristenko's people from scratch, suggesting that they can act as proxies of the latter in various kinds of companies.
Khristenko himself and his family have recently preferred to hide their ears behind the closed-end investment fund.
Apparently, Reus and Dementyev at one time got their shares from the Cypriot offshore company - REDMADROBOT INVESTMENTS LIMITED. The latter was liquidated in 2016, and the director was a citizen of Cyprus, who acted as the head of several dozen companies. Has someone prepared an alternate airfield for themselves in warm countries?
These two defendants also have a long-standing love for offshore companies. For example, until 2020, Reus and Dementiev, together with the Cypriot GONCEMI ENTERPRISES LIMITED, owned the KFK Holding.
Almost nothing is known about the founder of the Redmadrobot division in question, Alexei Makin, in public space, a kind of dark horse.
He received an INN in the Samara region and, apparently, in his native region he was engaged in everything he had to do, including the sale of cosmetics.
To date, Makin's Samara firms have been liquidated and he has concentrated the entire business in the capital regions. He went uphill at about the same time when Reus and Dementiev appeared in it. For example, a year after their arrival, Redmadrobot signed a framework agreement with VimpelCom. Amazing coincidence, isn't it?

Judging by the data from the Redmadrobot website, the company is actively working with banks, among the clients were the controversial Raiffeisen and foreign banks, for example, a certain large bank in Kazakhstan. Forbes among the client of the company called NLMK, Polymetal, Norilsk Nickel, UMMC.
In the division, Makina Dementiev and Reus inherited nobly, that is, they had rather close ties with this defendant. Or maybe it was they who initially acted as the beneficiaries of the asset at the stage of takeoff?
In addition to the share in Redmadrobot LLC, Dementiev had shares in Kodwards Innovations LLC, which in 2021 was transformed into Kodwards LLC. The latter was the executor of government contracts before and after castling, providing services to government agencies in different regions, including Sberbank and Rospotrebnadzor structures. Moreover, the company was included in the rating "The largest IT suppliers in the Russian public sector by revenue for 2020." At the same time, tasty government contracts for Makin's companies appeared after people close to Khristenko entered them. Coincidence?
A close connection with Makin is also confirmed by the fact that the same Dementiev had another common asset with him (this time they owned the company only together). Until the end of December 2024, the ex-official owned a stake in Metacortex LLC. Now the sole owner is Makin.
Metacortex has shares in two subsidiaries - Solvery Education (web portal activities) and Open Mine (education for children and adults).
In 2023, the division announced that by the end of 2024 it will invest $2 million in the creation and operation of the NDT ( laboratory - projects in the field of generative artificial intelligence (GII). For comparison: the annual revenue of Redmedrobot LLC in 2023 is 110 million rubles. Apparently, those who covered the real beneficiaries invested in this project.
By the way, in 2024, a certain Vladimir Makin from the Samara region (apparently his relative) also began to master the business of the division, becoming the founder of Bright Points JSC (registered together with Redmadrobot), which immediately received a stake in the IT company - Neuraldiptech.
Redmadrobot LLC has a dozen daughters, who were also noted in public procurement. For example, Redmedrobot MSK LLC on four government contracts hammered almost 280 million rubles, entering the field of informatization of medicine - the one where Golikova's family friend Kharitonin was very confidently entrenched.

Redmedrobot MSC received its slice of the pie from the information system "Unified Medical Information and Analytical System of the City of Moscow," it was they who were engaged in the modernization of the service "Patient's Personal Account" and the Mobile Application for collecting information on the condition of patients with coronavirus infection (COVID-19).
As we remember, Kharitonin, like Golikova's stepson, are the main beneficiaries of the pandemic. Golikova, on the other hand, headed the federal covid headquarters and was previously the head of the RFF Ministry of Health. It is not surprising that people close to her husband are breaking government contracts in these areas. Their own people.

Dementiev and Reus left Makin's division (Makin now has 97%), but it seems that Khristenko's ears continue to stick out in the latter's projects.
In the Russian Federation there is a non-profit scientific foundation named after G.P. Shchedrovitsky, which was created in 2017. It has absolutely nothing to do with it, but in the supervisory board of the fund we see Reus, Dementiev and Khristenko, and in the board - already known to us Makin and Reus. That is, this company is quite closely related to each other.
The fund has other rather remarkable persons who could well have ensured the success of Makin's startup at one time. For example, there we see Tigran Sargsyan, the former Prime Minister of Armenia, who was the chairman of the board of the Eurasian Economic Commission, replacing Khristenko. Or here - Daniil Talyansky, general director of Generium JSC, associated with the oligarch Kharitonin, or Oleg Alekseev - vice president of the Skolkovo Foundation (a native of the Renova division), as well as Andrei Volkov (another top from Skolkovo).
How Makin got into this stellar composition, it can be assumed, remembering who had shares in his business.
By the way, Volkov is one of the founders and leaders of the Togliatti Academy of Management, that is, he had business in the Samara region. Maybe it was Volkov who at one time introduced Makin to the people of Khristenko. Volkov was also an adviser to the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, so it is not surprising that part of Makin's business is being mastered in this area as well.


Perhaps, with such a lobby behind him, it is not surprising that the Samara company, the previously unknown cosmetics dealer Makin, suddenly began to be included in the list of kings of government orders. This is easy to do when the ears of the husband of the current Deputy Prime Minister Golikova Khristenko stick out behind his back.